Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Thatva Darshana

sri kanakadasaru was an incarnation of vidura in dwapara age.He was the one who preached VIDURA NEETI to Dhritarashtra.Though he was dasiputra in that birth he was so expounded scholar and great devotee of Sri Krishna that his teachings are an important milestone in the history of Mahabharata like Yakshaprashna and GEETA in the great epic. Lord Krishna rejected the invitation of Duryodhana and went to poor devotee VIDURA's cottage and is described in kriti VIDURANA BHAGYAVIDU.GREAT DEVOTION.

These 3 billion varnatantus are controlled by 3 crore forms of Mukhyaprana(MOOLA VAAYU DEVARU) multiplied by 100 Rhuju (not confused with Rhubhu) ganas designated as highest living forms of this world. They are capable of generating 100^7 lingas (duplicates from single varnatantu or thread .Refer any cell biology texts).They decide the fate of living beings.In Ricum Sativa(Rice) one can find highest number of genes.Hence man being Annagata prana generates energy with rice as main staple food.
  • One cannot decide the varna so easily as mentioned by JAGANNATHADASARU in HARIKATHAAMRUTASAARA as complexion,appearance,morpholo­gy ,internal characteristics everything varies in the living beings drastically from one species to the other and from one human being to the other in wide range because of these varnas .Ofcourse VARNA is ancient Etymological term for present day GENES.There are 3 billion genes in each and every human forms is mentioned in Vamana purana these are nothing but varnatantu.

  • Many may not be knowing the purpose of birth of this great saint .In his original form he is Dharmaraja.He was once cursed by ANEE MAANDAVYA maharshi who was performing severe penance in present day MAGADI(the origin of this name is MANKUTI or MAANDAVYA KUTEERA  with the present corrupted pronounciation).This is explained in one sulhaadi of VIJAYADASARU.According to the curse he had to take 3 lower caste births.1st was Vidura,2nd was Kanaka,3rd was antyaja at the time of Sri Raghavendra yati !!

  • Padma purana mentions there are 8.4 million species of living organisms in this earth.We are able to identify only 3.2 million species of life forms in this earth currently.Surprisingly there are 4000 human resembling species as mentioned in the puranas.Scientists propose evolution concepts confused by the fossils of different varieties of apes all over the world .Even Ramayana and Brahmanda purana mentions many species of apes.Among all these the descendents of Manu viz Manavas are great!!
    all de words r gem ! please listen to this song. it teaches hw to simplify life

  • To Summarise finally the status of this very negligible soul know the descendence from Vaikunta to this earth!:Para Vaasudeva,Moola Narayana,Maha Laxmi,Chaturmukha,Pavamaana,Sh­arada,Bhaarathi,6 wives of Krishna,Maheshwara,Shesha,Garu­da,Parvathi,Souparni,Vaaruni,I­ndra,Skanda,Prana Vayu,Brihaspathi,Swaayambhuva Manu,Daksha,Shachi,Rati,Pravah­a Vaayu,Surya,Soma,Shataroopa,Va­runa,Narada,Agni,Brighu,Prasoo­ti,Vaivasvata manu,Saptarshis,Mitra,Nirrhuti­,Taara,Praavahi,Ganesha,Kubera­,Vishwaksena

  • Adityas, Maruts,Vishwedevas,Rhubhus,Pra­dhana Pitrus,Ashwinis,Mareechi,Paava­ka,Jayanta, Sanakaadi rishis,7 Future Indras,8 Celestial Dwarapalakas,8 pradhana Gandharvas and Apsaras each,Vishwakarma,Chitragupta,A­runa,Airavata,Nandeeshwara,Sur­abhi,Kalpavrikshaadi Devas,Parjanya,Ganga and other Anaakhyaata(Not famous but important) devaganas,100 important Rajarshis,Swaaha,Budha,Kuja,Sh­anaischhara,Pushkara,16100 wives of Krishna,9999900 rishis,Deva&Maanusha Gandharvas,Kings,Scholars & Common people!!

  • Know the HIERARCHIES of the creation-Vishnu,Lakshmi,Brahma­,Mukhyaprana,Vaani,Bhaarati,Sr­i Krisha shanmahishiyaru,Rudra,Shesha,G­aruda,Durga,Vaaruni,Souparni,I­ndra,Skanda,Kaamadeva,Pradhana Vayu,Daksha and swaayambhuva manu,Surya,Soma,Yama,Varuna,Ag­ni,Vaivasvata manu and Saptarshis,Mitra,Nirrhuti,Vina­yaka,Kubera,Vishwaksena.(NOTE# In the posts read Souparni as photons, Vaaruni as Gravitons,Meanwhile for Indra it is left out and so read as naturally occuring elements & radioactivity in same order!)

  • The left over tattvaabhimani devaganas like Bhaarati,Sri Krishna Shanmahishiyaru,Souparni,Vaaru­ni,Kaamadeva,Daksha and Swaayambhuva Manu ,Varuna,Vaivasvata Manu and Saptarshis,Mitra,Nirrhuti,Kube­ra and Vishwaksena are important representing respectively vaccum,activation energy,gravitons,photons,struc­ture formation,primordial species of life,water,Evolved humans & other complicated life forms,visible e.m region,irregular astronomical objects ,mineral wealth including gold , good & bad omens!!

  • Lord Vishnu is the paramatma with 3 hierarchies of source of energy,other tattvaabhimaani daivas like Lakshmi,Brahma,Mukhya prana,Vaani,Rudra,Shesha,Garud­a,Durga,Indra,Skanda,Vayu,,Sur­ya ,Soma,Yama,Agni,Vinayaka are presiding respectively original infinite space,matter,life source,sound,consciousness,gra­vitation,speed of light,Quarks and elementary particles,Molecule complexes,Heavenly cosmos,Electromagnetic radiations,living organisms,good and bad deeds,spectrum of pleasures and destractions!!

  • Sri kanakadasaru has mentioned the names of many theerta kshetras .Without knowing the Niyaamaka roopas of Lord Hari in those places offering oblations ,performing austerites and sacrificies wont yield any fruit .Without falling on the lotus feets of lord by rejecting the earthly pleasures thinking himself as great may show the way for haridwesha and finally leads us to Yamaloka .Since he is the incarnation of YAMAdevaru himself think this as the warning given by the papapunyaabhimani daiva!

  • Skanda purana gives beautiful description of Brahmanda which is equivalent to our pindanda.All the cosmos are in our body itself.The number of lingakoshas(cells) are equivalent to number of stars in the ksheerasagara(ancient name for Aakaasha gange).This is presided by Ksheerodakashayi vishnu.Narada pancharatra mentions there are multiplesof hundreds of Ayutas and Niyutas of GALAXIES( 333*100 *1000*10000galaxies) and are controlled by the form of vishnu in Anantaasana.The highest is in VAIKUNTA.

  • The genes or varnatantus are made up of 4 base pairs Adenine ,Guanine,Cysteine and Thymine which are complementary to each other.These are governed by Vasudeva,Sankarshana, Pradyumna ,Aniruddha forms of lord vishnu respectively.The left over Uracil base is governed by Narayana; former for DNA,latter left over base is in RNA.The amino acids are activated by 20+earlier mentioned 4 forms of LORD VISHNU.The coding and decoding takes place by 64 forms of lord vishnu.These are kalaa niyaamaka roopas !

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  • This is the secret meaning of pindanda as mentioned by kanakadasaru.These are few concepts from Madhwa philosophy as discussed. by the dasa sahitya in any of such deep thought provoking keertanas.I will discuss how this Pindanda is similar to Brahmanda as mentioned in this kriti.Since Kanaka was the disciple of great Maadhwa saint Sri VYASARAJARU it is obvious to expect the flavour of Vaishnava philosophy in his keertanas. While reading these posts please come out of  kuruba image of kanaka!!

  • SRI BHAVISHYA PURANA gives this important information that Jesus as many christs think, is not god himself, but was an incarnation of son of Varuna i.e,Pushkara!!.It was foretold that he will be the mleccha guru & his teachings will spread after Shaalivahana era.He was called Eeshamaseeha & with his mother Ganga he was called Kanyaaputra!!.He ascended to Pitruloka in Kashmir .He is Karma and theerthaabhimaani deva presides whatever deeds done by human beings & is the disciple of Shanaischhara !!

  • SRI GARUDA maha purana and SRI VAAYU upa purana are the only two important ones among their categories.Former is prescribed for Vaishnavas and the latter for Shaivas.They contain such encyclopaediac information that they are considered to be the NAAYAKA MANI of Indian Purana &Upapurana literatures.Every hindu should have these most valuable jewels in their home.I have summarised the last & final part of Garuda purana i.e,BRAHMA(MOKSHA) KAANDA which is 1step more than SRIMAD BHAAGAVATAM.THANKS !!

  • Most of them watched the MOVIE"ANNIYAN" in Tamil (or)"APARICHITUDU"in Telugu.After watching this movie GARUDA MAHA PURANA became famous even among the masses.Although the movie never explained properly the importance of this purana,Sri Kanakadasaru who was an incarnation of Dharmaraja in his original form;summarises the essence of Garuda purana in this keertana.2ND part of Garuda purana describe the hells & the tortures given to the paapa jeevas.This keertana describes 3RD & final MOKSHA KAANDA!

  • Many hopeless, crash course mockery Brahmins are available today who take the Smaarta rituals for livelihood and take Dakshinas from Politicians,artists,murderers,­stupid fanatics,money lenders.They dont know what AGNI NAARAAYANA or VAISHWAANARA represents:He represents the absorption and emission spectrum characteristic of every material in this world.One should know the line & band spectrum i.e, he absorbs every offerings in terms of frequency and wavelength modulations( 16000 AGNI PUTRAS)!!

  • Adhishtaana devas like Bharathi ,Garuda,Vinaayaka respectively preside:-QUALITIES-i.e,Initial Qualities of individual souls before creation of universe in the primordial world in vaccum state ; TIME-as we measure celestial happenings regarding future and past proceedings of astronomical ordiances & distances to heavenly objects in terms of speed of light ;SPACE- there is a lot of interstellar & intergalactic space,accounts 99%; which obstructs the path of Divine chariots moving in the space!!

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  • Srila Madhva himself being the incarnation of Mukhyaprana i,e Prana tattva,who is the mirror reflection of the Paramatma i,e Lord Vishnu; mediates between soul and the supreme soul.He stops at the hierarchy of Brahma i.e,matter and can see the paramatma in the background of MoolaPrakriti i.e,Infinite space and time and came to conclusion that if Moola prakriti is infinite then paramatma must be infinite times the infinite & Lakshmi follows him everywhere & depend on the prana kataaksha of Lord!!

  • Sri Ramanuja proposed Vishistadvaita philosophy which ends at the hierarchy of Lakshmi ie,Infinite space and time,he claims the paramatma as Sadasad vilakshana.At this juncture there is no background to view the Paramatma & finally came to conclusion that Lord Vishnu and the ordinary soul enjoy equal share of the divine qualities & Moola prakriti shapes the divine form of the lord and both are interdependent.Since he is the incarnation of shesha i,e gravitation he beleives in anyonyashrayatva!!

  • Advaitavaadins stop at the hierarchy of Rudra i,e consciousness.Beyond that there is Bharati tattva i,e vaccum.So on meditating one finds shoonya & claims the paramatma as nirguna,niraakaara and finally comes to conclusion it is Nirvishesha Brahma. Shankara was none other than Shiva himself incarnated on this earth to expel the Bouddha philosophy and proposed Advaita famously called Prachhanna Bouddha.Shiva can see the supreme lord by the grace of mother Saraswathi in the background of 'OM'!!

  • Kshemaka,Kushika,Kundina,Hasti­,Sampaati,Madhu,Puru,Vasu,Arih­a,Hemagarbha,Kaakustha,Ikshwaa­ku,Maruta,Muni,Chaitraratha,Vi­kukshi,Suratha,Aravaachi,Shrut­ikeertana,Hukadeepa,Keta,Suman­ta,Vibhaavasu,Dhritaraashtra,S­hakthi,Shibhi,Sarvabhouma,Sukh­asena,Bhageeratha,Ajamaanu,Swa­rbhaanu,Mukhapathi,Maandhaata,­Dhaata,Vidhaata,Krata,Kakura,K­undodara,Trayogarbha,Dheergaay­u,Shishupaala,Rukmaangada,Vira­aja,Purameedha,Sumeedha,Bhadra­ashwa,Ramanaka,Haridharma,Netr­a,Sunetra,Ketumaala,Puroorava,­Mitramana, (cont...)

  • Bali,Vibheeshana,Randhragana,R­antideva,Malayadhwaja,Raamabho­ja,Yadu,Bala,Girika,Gaandhaara­,Gaya,Setu,Eeshwara,Kulishadhw­aja,Sagara,Veera,Nala,Harischh­andra,Chandrakaanta,Aakaasha,S­ulabha,Shashibindu,Maandhata,D­hruva,Shivapriya,Phala,Bharath­a,Ashtaakavaali,Lohita,Nriga,S­ubala,Kuksha,Yadu,Bhooshana,Va­suprada,Sukhaveerya,Kuru,Druhy­u,Rhutuparna,Vasudharma,Khatwa­anga,Souvana,Pavana,Devaka,Jan­aka,Vaidharbha,Asamanjasa,Naab­hi,Vasudatta,Sougandhi,Manimuk­ta,Kesari,Nishadha,Manivaahana­,Mahaaveerya(cont..)

  • Tomorrow I will post the mangala naama of 100 RAJARISHIS !.By knowing their names our mind will be pleased and touches the fete of that great people! .Present day politicians might have earlier born as krimi keetas in the kingdom of those great people!.Shame on their path*#%@.Hell is waiting for them with garlaands by YAMADEVA himself standing at the entrance of the doors of the hell to invite them!!They should be called as RAAJAA PRATYAKSHA RAAKSHASA!?! instead of RAAJA PRATYAKSHA DEVATHAA!!!

  • SRI PADMA PURANA starts with the following beautiful verse-
    Thus Pushkara being evil remover of the theerthas ,incarnated in Mleccha land to save the Poushkara water which was flowing as GUPTAGAAMINI in Bhoga bhoomi!!!

  • Pushkara is the last link of Tattvaabhimaani deva ganas.He controls the Anaakhyaata devaganas next to him who are numerous & can't be explained so easily.In the Krita yuga people worship only Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi.In Tretaa Yuga Brahma, Mukhyaprana are the important dieties whom people worship other than the supreme Lord.Mukhyaprana incarnated as HANUMAAN in this age.Pushkara was the only Theertha kshetra important for them. SRI PADMA PURAANA gives nice description of this place in 1st verse!

  • Raja Bhoja was the last indian king who visted Haatakeshwara and went back to Bhaaratha by the consent of Lord Shiva as it was polluted by Mlecchas.He fixed Gaandhaara desha(Present day Afghaanistan) as the border for Mleccha & Bharata khanda.Iran at that time was filled with Agni kula Kshatriyas & are the ancestors of present day Persians.Eeshamaseeha preached hardly 7 basic principles to lead peaceful life to Mlecchas.Present day Vatican city was the famous SURYA(Mitra) kshetra at that time!!!

  • One should know how Eeshaamaseeha is an incarnation of Pushkara.Jerusalem was called Marudhanwakshetra and Lord Haatakeshwara was the kshetrapalaka there.Ganga was flowing secretly in that place as Paataala ganga .But it was polluted by blood bath.Pushkara being the Theerthaabhimaani deva incarnated there from Varuna or Pitruloka & appeared as a star.At the time of his birth 70 Yakshas,30 Danavas,Charanas & Gandharwas each,Apsaras(Angels),Pitrus of Mlecchas,Siddhas,Nagas & Kinnaras rejoiced!!!

  • I am posting the comments for the bottom level hierarchial devas, their incarnations & their importance .It takes much more days to post the remaining hierarchial devas to the top level of Lord Vishnu.In the next post i will mention the names of important RISHIS and RAJARSHIS as mentioned by the Sulhaadis of SRI VIJAYADAASARU.He was an incarnation of BHRIGU maharshi .Explaining their deeds and exploits are beyond my scope and this forum.Note down which ever important points are mentioned here!!

  • SRI VAAYAVEEYA SAMHITA of SHAIVA maha purana has interesting discussion between Sri Vaayudevaru &Nandikeshwara at the end ;but many versus are left blank ;only a few will be having the essential information which forms beautiful VAAYU PURANA .It was foretold that Nandi will be the successor for SHAKTHI Visishtadvaita starting from the hierarchy of Durga & popularised VEERASHAIVA philosophy.Vaayudevaru reincarnated as MADHWA in the land of DURGA,paajaka & succeeded VEERA vaishnava philosophy!!

  • SRI BHAVISHYA PURANA foretold the advent of ALLAH and UODAL;they were none other than KRISHNA and ARJUNA!! .MOHAMMED PYGAMBAR was an incarnation of a chief of Gukhyaka,a sub clan of Devagandharvas by name Chitrasena; who earlier incarnated as BARBAREEKA,son of Ghatotkacha at the time of Mahabhaarata.He was the representatve of 7th generation starting from Baahleeka who fought in that great war.Lord will reincarnate in Mecca(Barbara desha) in his clan as per the boon granted to him by Krishna !!!

  • Beejavaapee,Ulukhilu,Dhananjay­a,Vaalakhilya,Maaya,Kiliki,Shr­ingi,Madhu,Janda,Vitanu,Baha,B­ala,Dhooma,Jatara,Oorvaasa,Aik­yaayana,Tilaka,Vibhaanda,Shara­bha,Pulastya,Dadheechi,Kathaas­oonu,Sevaasya,Moudgala,Vishnu,­Tridakuksha,Kukshama,Natantu,P­ulaha,Havidhaana,Uttanka,Kacha­ra,Balaveerya,Babraavana,Santa­pa,Apavarga,Hiranyanaabha,Aadb­hura,Ajaamidaapa,Adbhuta,Ajaam­ida,Parvata,Shwetaketa,Mahadhr­ithi,Shaktha,Vaishyampaayana,T­ailajaya,Vrata,Shrathi,Dhruthi­,Aayaka,Shrutikeerti,Suprabhaa­,Vatsa (cont...)

  • Prahlaadri,Dhari,Shakthi,Vairo­hitha,Bheshajaa,Vaayu,Akiyaa,B­hooshana,Baarhaspatya,Daalbhya­,Suyajnyajni,Veshaya,Mukha,Sap­aridhi,Saalankaarya,Dharma,Dai­sikaa,Devaraata,Vatsaraa,Aurva­,Naanaashaya,Devashravataa,Giv­ishtaraa,Vaama,Vaamaritya,Kaal­ugra,Shravapoorna,Vaahaka,Krit­u,Angira,Saangiraa,Pavana,Praa­cheena,Yagnaarishta,Shatanaa,P­aalava,Shamana,Rishyashringa,K­aviveda,Shaala,Vishaala,Koushi­ka,Shucha,Bhavana,Oorjayana,Ma­haarishi,Brihada,Sambhava,Stha­mbha,Kiraari,Kapisena,Shaandil­ya,Pavanadavu,....,

  • Saatyakeeya,Saamyooz(l)a,Devar­a,Tala,Tapa,Daivala,Sitagoutha­ma,Bhadra,Swaatantra,KapiKusth­a,Pourakustha,Munimaadra,Masha­na,Sharma,Baadaraayana,Kanaka,­Kaatyaayana,Maarkaanda,Maandav­ya,Shunaka,Shounaka,Romaharsha­na,Soubhari,Trinabindu,Baashka­laakhya,Panasa,Aghamarpana,Pra­matha,Praagaadha,Jeevana,Yaajn­avalkya,Jeevanthi,Maatanga,Sho­bhana,Sakha,Krithi,Bhaargava,S­uravatsa,Jandhana,Dhoumya,Aary­a,Rujaraa,Vaasishta,Sreevatsa,­Lohitaashtaka,Vaasuz(l)a,Rishi­,Sharanaka,Kardama,Mareechi,Pa­raashara (Cont...)

  • Mitra,Mitraayu,Vichitra,Bhaarg­ava,Vishwaamitra,Maitraamaitra­,Vaaruna,Brighu,Veetihotra,Kap­igaargya,Gaalava,Garga,Gaarcha­maa,Atri,Ati,Ashtaavakra,Patra­palaasha,Vatu,Shaandilya,Shaka­ta,Sunetra,Sumaangalya,Sanskri­ti,Bhaaradwaaja,Gotra,Gouravee­ta,Havya,Kapi,Shankha,Kati,Mai­traavaruna,Vaadhuz(l)a,Upamany­u,Shambhu,Uddhaalaka,Koundinya­,Apunavaana,Athithi,Paanthu,Bh­aavana,Javana,Upamithya,Kapila­,Kaashyapa,Kaanha,Haritha,Kash­yapa,Poothi,Maasha,Raibhya,Vip­ula,Jamadagni,Vaalmeeki,Rebha,­Jaabaali,Swapana....

  • Tomorrow I will post the names of important seers or Maharshis mentioned by Sri Vijayadaasaru.They should be remembered by each and every human beings so that one can get cleansed of RISHI RHUNA just like MAATRU RHUNA ,PITRU RHUNA & DEVA RHUNA ! I will explain the essence of Rishi rhuna and then mention partially the superiority classification of the Rhishi ganas as mentioned by daasa varenyaru! Their students &their hierarchies totally account 9999900 maharshis and cannot be mentioned easily!!

  • The names of 100+ punyaashrita raaja's are very complex to trace from the puranas .Their deeds are immense.Their history can't be narrated so easily. Many known & unknown names of great kings come to our mind.Each of them have ruled different parts of the earth at different ages & instants of time randomly picked by Vijayadaasaru.Some known names may be the correct one you expect !& some may be the repetitive names of the ancestors or predessors for those kings you may suspect !! Be careful !!!


  • Garbhadhruta,Sudiraaja,Meedavi­kunratha,Surabhee,Suhari,Ahira­aja,Suhija,Sindhu,Shubhavarna,­Siryaathi,Yayaathi,Sarvasantha­rohanaa,Saahavaasa,Nandana,Sum­anyu,Swarbhaanu,Pippalavi,Bind­hu,Dyooma,Nirankaapaathi,Chand­rahaasa,Ashwamantha,Shabalaasy­a,An`u,Chandravarna,Javana,Sat­ya,Sayaathi,Bala,Vrinda,Taamra­dhwaja,Vrishti,Suhotra,Devavri­nda,Vishnuvardhana!!.KSHITIPAR­ANU SMARISI JANARU.. NIMAGAPAJAYAVENDIGILLA SUPATHAVAAGIPPUDU ANUDINA..TAPANAABJAVAMSHADALI DIPUTARAADAVARA NENEYE KRIPAVANIDHI HARI OLIVA!!

  • Parameshti,Deerghaanga,Prashya­adhara,Manigreeva,Brighudevada­tta,Priyanaavavarka,Maninaabha­,Cholatrishankushanka,Manikesh­a,Paanchajanya,Dhananjaya,Raas­i,Sukaantha,Kusha,Kushanaabha,­Manisena,Paandavajamboonada,Di­vyaratha,Nakakshasena,Jaakshit­,Pareekshit,Drindhya,Anu,Anaay­a,Pashaathi,Harishrava,Uttaana­paada,Kundala,Gajaayu,Naashwa,­Neeladhwaja,Suravrittha,Kavaer­a,Aayu,Dhrudaayu,Vishaala,Pree­tishrava,Pitraveerya,Subhaga,K­avi,Ranga,Anga,Koasala,Hemagar­bha,Shilaapi,Krava ilaavarta,Viduratraya(cont..)

  • Jayasena,Shubha,Varma,Dharmaya­tee,Punya,Dravina,Karaveera,So­uveera,Poushya,Kesarisinga,Mar­u,Ruksha,Pradeepa,Dileepa,Asht­aka,Kampa,Arani,Bhoomanyu,Prut­hu,Mahaaveerya,Saradatta,Hariv­eera,Manyu,Vishwa,Sumati,Suonh­ara,Raghu,Muchukunda,Dasharath­a,Sumana,Dushyanta,Samyaati,Ha­msadhwaja,Damayanta,Neelaanga,­Dharmaangada,Shamalavipura,Rav­ikaanta,Nahusha,Drumila,Padma,­Shataayudha,Mayooradhwaja,Vima­la,Keertivaana,Tondamaana,Vidh­arbha,Amita,Paraakrama,Naaga,A­mbareesha,Soumitra,Kaartaveery­a,Janamejaya

  • Corrections for the names of kings 2nd post from top to bottom: Brighu, Devadatta ,Chola,Trishanku,Shanka,Pandav­a,Jamboonada,Krava,ilaavarta

  • 5. KAALA NEMI Is only 5 qualities less bad than Naraka! He incarnated as Kamsa asura and was killed by Lord Krishna! He also presides Tamohankaara and Tamo manas like his master Kali .He can be called as personal secretory of Kali purusha!! I will give more details about Kaalanemi in the upcoming posts and one should read the hierarchial down ward classification of Daityas as per the numerical order only!!

  • Narakaasura presides Chethana tattva and pollutes the spectrum of pleasures by creating darkness.He blocks the absorption & emission spectra of 16100 Agni putras who incarnated as 16100 queens of Lord Krishna!!This is the symbolic message shown in BHAAGAVATAM!! & if you argue that Krishna was Chapala chenniga Raaya,then one can definitely think of Narakaavesha in them!
    Severe Narakaavesha makes one to marry more women to expand his unbeaten pleasures & droves the life of women into miseries!!

  • 4.NARAKAASURA is 100 qualities < bad than Viprachitthi! He incarnated with the same name as the son of Dharaa devi !! He was killed by Lord Krishna .Satyabhaama as many think is not an incarnation of Dharaa devi !.Just like present day double acting movies,RUKMINI and SATYABHAAMA being the Sri & Bhoo forms of LAXMI , played nice drama .One should know that SRI VARAAHA lifted the earlier flat earth by ripping out plates from interior earth to form mountains & saved earth from being rolled out !

  • 3. VIPRACHITTHI is 100 qualities < bad than Alakshmi;He presides Tama chitta tattva and disturbs concentration! He incarnated as JARAASANDHA at the time of Mahaabhaaratha & was killed by Bheemasena !! 3

  • 1. KALI is The worst of the worst (Adhamaadhama) ;presides Tamo Ahankaara(Manas)tattva.He has all bad qualities cent %.
    2. KULAXMI or ALAXMI is the wife of Kali.She incarnated as Manthara in
     RAMAYANA!!.She is 100 qualities < bad than KALI;she presides Tama buddhi tattva! 2

  • In the beginning of Shweta varaha kalpa,Brahmadevaru created Daityas before Devas .Daityas are presiding TAMA,MOHA,MAHAA MOHA,TAAMISRA and ANDHA TAAMISRA which are the characteristic of Tamo guna pradhaana jeevas with Kali purusha as their chieftain.Daityas are famously called Aadi or Poorva Devatas.They are able to work in this Brahmaanda with Sthoola shareera only.They destroy the works of Tattvaabhimaani deva ganas & create nuisances in day to day life by inculcating Asuraavesha in them!! 1

  • From next posts, i will comment on the hierarchial distribution of Daityas; Important information about false gods;essence of Tattvavaada philosophy ;Kali purusha & his adventures ;Different classification of Daitya clans & their importance in our day to day life;Nava vidha Hari dwesha; Kali purusha lakshanas;Importance of Kali yuga;Andha tamas & its pitch darkness with differnt Narakas;Dark matter and energy ;Wars between Devas and Asuras;Strength of Deva & Asuras,Predictions of Kali age !!!

    Thus, Vijayadaasaru fearing prolonged list winds up here!!

  • Mrukaanda,Soomati,Kroda,Koala,­Goabalaa,Maatrukaananda,Dhyuti­,Tapavidvaaha,Dharbhaajnaanhav­a,Seela,Kathana,Sarvasthambhav­aa,Naidhruva,Dheergatama,Jamad­agni,Kaaruni,Sadguni,Kaanda,Ma­nimaandavya,Vaachasaka,Shuddha­,Samvarta,Santata,Kaama,Samhat­i,Siddhi,Sanaka,Sanandana,Vidy­aanga,Havyarohitha,Sukarma,Udd­haala,Uchithya,Harimedha,Medha­,Prasiddha,Mayoora,Shukakapila­,Kaapilya,Guna,Buddhi,Sumedha,­Paermi !!

  • This is one example i am quoting which is relavent to the temple & the mahaatma who is showcased in the profile picture!!
    Moreover for political bean boiling,they granted a holiday for Jayanthi of this saint !
    Coming to global discussions, Christians & Islam people usually quarrel because of religious domination in the world ! In every important you tube blogs dedicated for Hindu faith,one can find praises for Jesus Christ or Allah & even war of words between the followers of these faiths!!

  • Apart from that, Saagarollanghana i.e., crossing overseas incident of one of the Udupi seers became very disgusting situation in Udupi!
    Many type of politics & misunderstanding has entered the mutt today because of
    It is because of KALI PURUSHA!!

  • Even one step more than this Manthara and Shoorpanakhi are glorified to such an extent that Raama & Lakshmana are degraded to the place of villains at one angle!!
    Shambooka prakarana is the most discussed hot matter of Shoodra shoshana !!
    Manu smriti ,Taaratamya prakarana of Maadhva sampradaayavaadins have
    wild rated war words between Kannada Brahmins & so called pro-forward and Dalit poets! Kanakadasa become hot spot for their discussions;each Udupi seer gave contradictory statements then!!

  • Earlier Old Kannada poetry works of Pampa,Ranna have this type of misleading information!They never cared the philosophical significance & insight of the historical narrations of Sri Vyasa maharshi!! They were originally Jain poets & just for Raajaashraya they wrote these works & degraded some historical events in that epic to mere a fictitious events! ;Even Kumaaravyasa Gadugu Bhaaratha of Government sponsored edition has been edited very badly by great kannada poets as they never liked Madhva!

  • Duryodhana was Kali purusha in his original form! I wonder why many linguistic teachers in Karnataka are of the opinition that he was indeed a great warrior with good physique & conduct! Indeed Mahaabhaaratha was a war of great injustice & his dialogue "Why i should give back the kingdom to those who were not born to Paandu Raaja?" is actually correct ! They also claim that his behaviour & his friendship with Karna made them to accept Duryodhana as a role model !!

  • People even today worship many small gods like YELLAMMA, MAARAMMA,MADDOORAMMA, CHIKKAMMA,SANNAMMA,DODDAMMA,NA­AGAMMA,KALLAPPA,AJJAPPA,MOOGAN­NA,BAABAAJI.................et­c & they doesn't know why they are worshipping these gods!! They think these are the real gods and they protect us from all those evil things and they are final gods !! Any how, we shall discuss all these things in the later relevant section as per the keertanas and the message given by SRI KANAKADAASARU!!

  • Viprachitthi even dilutes the knowledge of great scholars!! They may give false predictions by accepting briberies!
    We can extend this to present day doctors,lawyers,engineers,scie­ntists,philosophers and so on........
    Viprachitthi aavesha makes one to neglect sacred religious rituals dedicated to Lord Vishnu and in turn becomes interested in KAAPAALIKA,BHAIRAVA,SHAAKTA,PA­ASHUPATA TANTRAS......
    Viprachitthi avesha in common people makes their mind weak ;They dance & act as (false)gods !!

  • Viprachitthi aavesha has very bad effects on the concentration of students!! Not only students,even well behaved people may argue that their views are right;their deeds are great;their instructions are better & so on...
    It is common for any of us in present day so called thinkers(false ideologists) era,to glorify RAVANA,DURYODHANA,DUSHYASANA,M­ANTHARA,SHOORPANAKHI & many other negative characters in the epics as very decent & dignified people originally & they even argue that they are heroes!!

  • Viprachitthi aavesha has got several other effects on younger generation;He may pollute the minds of studious & well behaved students and drag them to unfair sexual relationships! For example,a 24 year boy tries to have sexual relationship with 28 year old girl !! These type of make & break relationships are becoming more popular now a days by watching hip hop music & entertainment channels airing such type of reality TV shows!!Only god can save them or else this may result in pathetic society!!

  • Viprachitthi Aavesha has got severe effects!!! .He may pollute the minds of well behaved men & make them to behave like gay people! If a man behaves like gay then his life is lost !! This is not the natural way of behaviour!! It may result in unnatural relationships with unnatural type of pleasures expected in them! In Kaliyuga it is common to see such type of men in western countries & in India such type of relationships are gathering their feathers after highest civilian court okayed them !!!

  • As i already mentioned Advaitavaadins were thus unware of basics of Genetics ;There is no single living species in this world which can be exact equivalent to the other species!! Not even a single leaf of a tree!!
    Advaitavaadins also lacked basics of Chemistry & Radioactive process !
    They even lacked the knowledge of Atomic & molecular Physics !!
    Can any one say Copper is equivalent to Gold?
    Can any one challenge spectral line of Sodium is similar to that of Mercury !!

  • Mahva proposed pure dualism ,not an ordinary dualism !!
    Madhva proposed that an individual soul & the supreme soul cannot be one & the
    same when divine qualities are concerned!
    He was of the opinion that there exist perfect variations between one soul & the other soul; one material object to the other & also between these two with the supreme soul!
    He justified that salvation can be attained by the chain of tattvagnana & bhakthi ;nevertheless it is not possible when any one link is lost !

  • Comment removed

  • Madhva philosophy is the less understood among all the vaishnavaite philosophies by common people ! If any one clearly understands the philosophy he experiences the divine joy !! Most of the Madhva followers are Kannada & Tulu speaking people . Madhva had a great knowledge about all the topics of Indian philosophy ! If you look at his philosophy there is not even a single chance to question his knowledge ! Sree Raaghavendra theertha of Mantraalaya belonged to this school of Vedanta philosophy .

  • We shall discuss the where and whats about of the geunine nature of presently available Maanaveeya(Manu) smriti,Taaratamya prakaranas of Madhva philosophy & their inner meanings!! Ignorance of people about Tattva vaada philosophy !! True heart of Aadi Shankaraachaarya !! Pancha Draavida & Pancha Goura philosophies with their marginal deviations & reasons behind it !! True nature of Religious sources of literary works !! Stree,Shoodra,Dwija,Mleccha,Ar­ya,Dravida,Naaga,Aadivaasi controversies !!!

  • Duryodhana who was Kali purusha himself used this trick to capture Shalya,Baahleeka & many other Bhaagavatotthamas & prevented them from entering Pandava troops before the war!!
    This is the fate of modern day Khaana peena Dhaabas from which diseases as well as Asuraaveshas are free of cost !!
    Enjoy the savouries served there & behave wildly at homes!!!
    Even Madiraa ,Maanini ,Kaanchana are the dwelling places of KALI !!
    Kali along with his wife Alakshmi now enter your house with red carpets!

  • Of course Kali purusha spoils the mind of ordinary people only with the help of food they eat!! This is true of all the asuras I mention henceforth!
    I already mentioned that asuras can work only in the sthoola shareera;devas can work both in sthoola & sookshma shareeras !!
    Only Vaayudevaru can work in Ati sookshma shareera which cannot be analysed easily even by Lord Shiva!! Only Aniruddha,Pradyumna forms of Mahaa Vishnu are visible to Shiva! Sanskarshana is the limiting form visible to shiva!

  • There are many notorious so called modern hindu philosophers in India who are not in a position to mend their views! Indeed they create communal disharmony among their followers by preaching their own thoughts & open different branches all over the world ! eat nicely(what?? who knows?!) wash their hands only in ghee!! sleep well on embroidry pillows! travel only inside merc,audi or BMWcars!!!
    Their seating arrangements are made up of only gold & silver decked chairs,tables & meditate grandly !!

  • In the name of Rama,Krishna,Christ,Allah,Jeho­va,Gurunanak,Basava,Buddha every day people fight thinking they have done great job to the integrity of their communities & finally they touch their own feet !! & pat their own shoulders!!!
    Some are in a dilemma which philosophy is correct? Some may come to their own conclusions !!
    Some are still in the initial state of visiting temples,Offering fruits & coconuts,waving aartis,burning fragrance sticks.Some offer dakshinas,have VVIPdarshans & smile!!

  • Apart from these, communal,terrorist or religious in tolerance clashes claimed by some organisations belonging to any of the major religions of the world show how these people have been degraded in terms of Religion! Monthly one or two spicy shows by so called Mahaatmaas or Baabas who claim themselves as belonging to the highest state of Paramahamsa Aashrama are being exposed by TV channels!! Some of them are famous for accurate(???) predictions who foretell the incidents of this world !!!

  • In physics there can be a different analysis for a particular single event !!
    Some can be explained simply by applying Newtonian mechanics!!
    Some of the events need Schrodinger's wave theory to analyse the situation!!
    Many of the events are explained by combing both Classical & Quantum mechanics as told by Einstein!!
    Many of the Astrophysical events like dark matter & energy are unexplained even by these theories!!
    Thus there are simple as well as complex events in nature; got the clue !?

  • In Chemistry practicals,a student is asked to do qualitative & quantitative analysis of a salt or a mixture of salts.While analysing the salt ,different solutions belonging to different groups are used in the same order & the analysis cannot be done in random order!!
    While performing flame tests,particular salt gives its own characteristic colour depending upon the nature of the element present in it !!
    For micro analysis small test tubes are used including small amount of salt ; got the clue?

  • Biology student verily answers confidently plants or animals ( Botany !! ,Zoology !!)
    Electronics student gladly answers positive or negative ( terminals of a cell or potentials in a circuit !!!)
    Statistics student quickly answers Mean or Standard deviations!!!
    Commerce student after calculations answer as Compound or Simple interest !!!
    Now keep thinking untill i post what is Taaratamya told by Madhva ?!!!!!!!!!

  • What is Taaratamya ?
    Any language student who never thinks answer directly as partiality!!!!
    This is the fate of present day artistry minds !
    Ask this same question to a science student !
    What is Taaratamya?
    Chemistry student pauses for a while & answers less or more !!! (Analytical chemistry!!!)
    Physics student answers directly Classical or Quantum !!! ( Mechanics or Electrodynamics !!!)
    Mathematics student answers fluently even or odd !!! (Sequences or series!!!)

  • Tomorrow i will discuss the Taaratamya prakaranas of Madhva philosophy & you will understand the meaning hidden behind it ! There is no connection to present day developments of Udupi seers & these posts! Gladly ,Chaitanya Mahaaprabhu continued the jubiliant Philosophy of Madhva & hypnotised even wild beasts to dance by chanting the holy names of Krishna & Rama ! He even included Muslims & dalits in the main streams of Vaishnava philosophy !!
    HARI BOL !!!

  • Later developments made Gaudeeya philosophers to sing in praise of Chaitanya as an incarnation of Radha-Krishna !!
    Ironically there is no mention of Radha by any of the South Indian philosophers except Vallabha from Andhra pradesh !!
    He was exposed to Madhva philosophy to a very little extent & his philosophy is also considered to be important by the North Indian Vaishnavaites !!

  • Even Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who lived at the same time as Vyaasaraja yati of Vijayanagar kingdom, was mesmerised by the scholastic & devotion blossomed treatise of Madhva on Brahmasutras; he even left his idea of writing treatise on it !
    He made week long discussions about the philosophy with the then paryaya seer of Udupi mutt & called his philosophy as Madhva - Goura philosophy !!
    Achintya bhedhaabheda philosophy is inherited within Madhva philosophy which is the simplified version !!!

  • Madhva never rejected the works of Shankara!! Indeed he was a great scholar of Advaita!! He preached Advaita very scholastically for those who came in search of Advaita teacher !!
    He had very a good physique which made people to remember Bheemasena of Mahaabhaaratha !!
    Madhva had a beautiful collection of books in his library which he collected searching all over India in his lifetime ;After analysing the available editions carefully
    he wrote treatises for Prasthanatrayas unlike sankara!

  • Madhva was the first philosopher of this world who credited Science to Spirituality!!
    If any one still tries to follow Advaita at this stage all the experiments should fail according to their theory ;One has to question whether they are existing on this earth or not? One has to rub their eyes to check whether it is an illusion or not!
    They give very bad examples to stake claim of their philosophy & if you want i can explain, but it makes people to laugh at the plight of their Vedanta treatise!

  • Will any stupid teach us a dead body can be considered as a living object ?
    If any one argues this individual soul is none other than God himself, then first ask him to show the VISHWAROOPA DARSHAN as enlightened by Krishna to Arjuna !!
    If he counter questions that it should be experienced & cannot be explained then one can easily question how he could outline easily all those unexplainable things in Advaita since they think this world is full of illusion !!!

  • Bhagavat paada Raamaanuja was a great social reformer & indeed he is the Aadi pravartaka of Vaishnavism in South India !!
    He even dared shaivaite Chola kings & was succeeded in re establishing the rituals in all the important Vaishnavaite temples as per the Vaishnava Aagamaas!!
    There are some limitations in his philosophy also as he failed to recognise the sovereign nature of the spiritual world with Vishnu as the lone controller of the entire world,by charging some restrictions on his power!!

  • Madhva's philosophy is called Tattvavaada philosophy !! Raamaanuja's philosophy lacks the basic identity as it has not got out of the semi influence of Advaitavaadins !!
    He usually gives long long notes with different sanskrit terminologies imitating Advaita style with fragrance of his past Aalvaars !!
    Interesting thing is the jokes made on the gaint naamams usually U,V,W shaped ones called PANGANAAMAMS with their followers having an internal split as Tengalai & Vadagalai followers !!

  • He gave relevant proofs from vedic literatures including Itihaasa,Puraana,Aagama,Tantra­,Vedaangas,Upanishads,Vedas & Smritis to justify his theory & he succeeded in his vow to realise the wish of Srila Vedavyaasa to present him a treatise on his Brahma sutras & Geeta by travelling to Vyasa Badari & he even got an applaud from Vyaasa deva !!
    He represents the one & only direct disciple of Sri Vyaasadeva among all the philosophers ,mostly 21 in number who wrote treatise on Baadaraayana sutras!!

  • Madhva told good qualities are important & not good morphology for material things!!
    He emphasised that any tattva with good qualities along with good morphology is the best thing!!
    He has given a beautiful description of the quality classification of the material objects!!
    Even materialistic world is amazingly beautiful, very interesting & is of wide range which inturn shows Paramaatma is endowed with all these qualities in the spiritual level without any hinderances in these qualities!!

  • We shall discuss in the later relevant section about the philosophical views of great western Scientists & their views about Advaita philosophy !! Dvaita has solution to all our problems & is analysed only if you come to know about Tattvavaada philosophy which is the supreme of all the philosophies & Science finally surrenders to this final result!!
    Sri Veerappa Moily once told in an open speech that if atleast 30% of the people followed Madhva, India would have been rich & developed country!!

  • Statistical analysis use different distributions depending upon how one analyses the problem & its range !!
    In general statistical mechanics widely used are Maxwell Boltzmann,Fermi Dirac & Bose Einstein statistics !!
    Analysis of all these statistics give wide range of results !!
    Stochastic processes & its applications are also important & one can consider these information also!!
    Statistics in Mathematics is also an interesting topic & can be used to derive varieties of applicable theorems!!

  • Electronics student knows how a circuit should be constructed !
    One cannot build low pass filter circuit by looking at the high pass filter circuit diagram;
    One has to carefully design the circuit by choosing required capacitances,resistors & other required circuitry components !!
    There are active & passive circuits whose analysis give different results!!
    Coming to communication part , Analog & digital communications...
    Computer science has Hardware & Software ...
    Use these basic clues!!!

  • Biology student usually think how i can simplify all these plants & animals ?
    He classify the plants as Gymnosperms,Angiosperms & so on........
    He needs different Phylums for the thorough classification of animals as Annelids,Coelenterates,Mammali­a & so on..........
    A medical student knows how different drugs interact in different manners to cure different ailments!!
    A neurosurgeon knows how each & every nerve plays an important role inside the brain!!
    Similarly for Cardiologists & so on...

  • A Mathematical analysis is usually done with the basics of sequences & series!!
    Progressions & Binomial theorm ,Numerical analysis,Complex analysis,Fourier & other transformations & all those necessary methods of analysing the problem usually need good skills!!
    One cannot merely substitute the formula & get the solutions & hence say i have mastered all these topics!!
    Practical applications of these topics make you to beleive that a solution to a problem has different implications otherwise!!

  • " Do whatever labour you know without hesitation ; Do your labour which should be justifiable ; Do not reject from your labour anytime ; Do not enjoy the fruit of untrue labour ; Do not expect more than your labour ; Do the labour to show your true strength ; Do the labour without discontinuing untill you live ; Do the labour to cherish your life ; Do the labour without boastiing your deeds ; Do the labour to complete it without fail ; (continued..........)

  • 2.Kuru Bhunkshwa cha Karma Nijam Niyatam Hari Paada Vinamradhiyaa Satatam!!
    (Dwaadasha stotra of Madhwa)
    This can be regarded as the supreme,ever shining,promisingly worth notable, quotable & followable words of Madhwa who was an incarnation of Hanumaanji & if you follow these words you will be the ideal respected citizen of this country ; ideal honourable property of this world and also ideal perfect devotee of the Lord !!!

  • Some of the platinum words of Madhva!!
    1.Bahu chitra jagat Bahudhaakaranaat ParaShaktir Ananta gunah Paramaah!!
    ( Dwaadasha stotra of Madhva.)  This material world is very amazing with its infinite experience which is endowed with infinite range & is infinitely accessible!!,infinitely vast to understand which itself is the true extention of the eternal spiritual everlasting infinite powers of the Supreme personality of Godhead !!


  • Superb..just keep on posting these type of information..you are really having blessings of Krishna..may krishna bless you always...

  • @viruprasad37 .i think you are a great thinker and have vast knowledge in shaastra...even though i failed to understand all your comments but particularly i like what you have mentioned above...thanks..Hare Krishna..

  • Rest of the things are left as an excercise for you !
    I have already posted different tattvas in my earlier posts!!
    Tomorrow we shall continue with the discontinued posts of the hierarchy of Daityas & Kali !!
    Finally i will conclude with the left over Nadi theerthabhimaani Devas & the controlling forms of Lord Vishnu !!
    In between i will discuss the message given by Kanakadaasaru on worshipping the false dieties & at last I will join Science to Tattvavaada philosophy & wind up my posts!!!

  • Thus according to Madhva,a tattva can be understood properly if one knows the Taaratamya,as it is possible to analyse easily the behaviour,qualities & range of a Tattva!!
    Madhva told that if a particular tattva is derived from the earlier one,Successive or Predessive nature of that tattva can be analysed!!
    If a tattva has no such behaviour it is called Paramaatma tattva!!
    If a tattva has both dormant & active history it is called Prakriti tattva!!
    Rest of all the tattvas are negligible!!

  • Several other Vaishnavaite philosophers are also considered to be important like Sridhara, Vishnuswami,Nimbaarka,Jeeva & Sanaatana Goswamis,Vamsheedhara,Venkata Madhava,Naarayana theertha & so on....
    It takes several months for me to complete these posts if i continue commenting on all these philosophers! Better one should stop at this stage & concentrate on the important teachings of Tattvavaada philosophy !!
    Taaratamya as i told is the inherent & non vanishable feature of this world !!

  • Raamanuja failed to include Bhaagavatha tradition which comes at the end of all the traditions practised in India including Shaivism & Shaakthism !!
    Bhaagavatha tradition in the sense was in a dilemma to which sect it originally belonged to?!
    Many Vaishnavaites even today glorify Sri Madhwa muni that he cleared without any bit of a doubt it is essentially the succeeding part of the Pancharaatra tradition by writing the most valuable treatise on Srimad Bhaagavatham & thus sanctified Bhakthi !!

  • Any philosophy exists in this world only when it has followers!
    If a philosophy fades from its popularity means there are noticeable shortcomings which exceeds threshold limit!
    We ask those people why these philosophies were restricted to their communal boundaries?
    Why these philosophies lack basic scientific propaganda?
    Why these philosophies are on the verge of extinction?
    Why these philosophies cant compete with the existing philosophies?
    Why these philosophies lack spiritual fragrance?

  • Ask modern day advertisement staking so called modern philosophers with name & fame of central literature awards about philosophy....
    They jump to so called Mante swami,Gorava,Mahadeshwara & other common people philosophies....
    They even claim they are the most important ones & the original of all the philosophies....
    Now let us treat this also according to Tattvavaada philosophy & test their genuine nature !!
    Tomorrow we shall enter Tarka part of philosophy & show how their claim fails !!!!

  • Even today many MA philosophy holders & other related arts combination double graduates have nice selection for their PhD thesis ....!!
    They need not have to work at all.....!!
    They have voluminous works of Western Indologists with them & they have very nicely arranged wide range of topics to select their area of interest....!!
    Even Kalaignaar type minds flourish in their dead brains!!
    They dont even have a bit of their own thinking power!!
    They join 3 to 4 PhD papers & complete PhD !!

  • One ''cannot attain salvation'' by attending the crash courses,enrolling for coaching classes,talking too much Vedanta,roaming different divine places,giving religious offerings to Yagna,observing Ekaadashi fastings !!!
    One can attain salvation only with Nirvyaaja Bhakthi &Tattvagnaana which is non objectionable to the Sadaagamas like Moola Raamaayana of Lord Hayagreeva , Mahaabhaaratha of Lord Baadaraayana , Brihat Paancharaatra of Lord Naaraayana ,Infinite Vedas delivered by Lord Hamsa !!!

  • Unlike Basaveshwara who preached the world "Kaayakave Kailasa", Madhva has stressed the essence of Hari samarpana shubha karma , Parishuddha Nirvyaaja Bhakthi & Paripoorna Tattva Jnaana in all his important works on Prasthaanathrayas .
    He was of the opinion that any work done will borne the fruit without fail.
    He concluded that without doing any karma & without getting freed of Sanchita , Aagaami & Praarabhda karmaas one cannot go for direct renounciation ;Even Brahma is bound to the labour!!

  • Comment removed


  • Finally 3 are most important and is the essence of Tattvavaada philosophy ;
    Do the labour without staking claim of its result ;
    Do each and every stage of your labour by presenting it to the lotus feets of the Lord ;
    Do your labour without thinking as SOHAM but thinking as DAASOHAM !!!
    I humbly dedicate these 37 meanings of the great citations of Madhva on the essence of Labour from various commentary notes of Teeka & Tippanee acharyas of Tattvavaada philosophy to SRI HARI !!

  • Do the labour without evil influence ; Do the labour without devil confluence ; Do the labour without civil dis obedience ; Do the labour without vigil impotence; Do the labour with utmost importance ; Do the labour with evermost punctuality ; Do the labour with almost reliabity ; Do the labour with topmost credibility ; Do the labour with great sanctity ; Do the labour with good parity ; Do the labour with generosity ; Do the labour with grace from Guru ;

  • Do the labour to sacrifice your self ; Do the labour to credit your life source ; Do the labour to enhance your knowledge ; Do the labour to enchant your soul ; Do the labour to drop your ego; Do the labour until you are in Samaadhi state; Do the labour to forget your pains; Do the labour with utmost sense ; Do the labour without imitating others ; Do the labour to have your own identity ; Do the labour to develop spirituality ; Do the labour to install divinity ; (continued

  • Gaudeeya followers think Krishna as the source of all the Swaamsha & Vibhinnaamsha forms of the Lord !
    Madhva philosophy claim Sankarshana form of Lord Vishnu is the secondary origin of all these 2 forms & later all the Swaamsha forms of Lord Vishnu merge with the first & foremost form in the Chaturvyooha i.e, Vaasudeva!
    Whereas Vibhinnaamsha forms i.e, all Vanishable forms stay within Sankarshana & cant go beyond that !
    Gaudeeya sect has to analyse these notified corrections carefully !!!

  • I will discuss much more about Gaudeeya point of view regarding Bhakthi ,Concept of Moksha ,Supremacy of Krishna & many other concepts in comparision with Madhva's philosophy so that one can get crystal clear information regarding differences in their point of views !
    We shall infact show how these misconceptions are negligible or can be min imised when both the parties shed their ego & accept the truth without any objection to the Sadaagamaas mentioned earlier with solution within themselves!

  • Many Gaudeeya philosophers have written beautiful commentaries on Srimad Bhaagavatham !!
    Gaura Bhaagavatham ,Chaitanya Charitaamrita are considered to be important works by Gaudeeya followers.
    Plenty of resources are available in their Achintya Bhedaabhedha philosophy supported by various vedic scriptures !
    Their guruparampara does an U turn after Vyasaraja yati !
    Even today they call themselves as Brahma-Madhva-Gaudeeya followers!!
    Infact one can see very deep fragrance of Raamaanuja !!!

  • Sri Chaitanya was Lord Krishna himself who incarnated on this earth to teach the essence of Bhakthi for attaining salvation !
    In Mahaabhaaratha he is referred to as SwarnaVarna & Hemaanga (Vishnu Sahasranaama) !
    Srimad Bhagavatam ,Brahma Yaamala Tantra ,Saatvata tantra ,Ananta Samhita , Atharvaveda Vaishnava upanishads,Saama Veda Upanishads,Upapuranas like Nrisimha ,Adi & many Maha puranas like Agni,Padma,Garuda,Bhavisya,Vay­u,Koorma,Varaaha,Vaamana,Masty­a puranas predicted Lord's appearence!!

  • We shall have the bird's eye view of Sri Chaitanya & Goudeeya philosophers
    & solve the internal problems between Madhva & Chaitanya followers regarding Nava vidha Hari Dwesha ,Andhatamas & Asura moksha prakaranas , Confusion regarding Vyasa deva & Narada ,Krishna-Radha supremacy mentioned in the puranas,About genuine nature of vedic sources, Regarding incarnation of Chaitanya & Madhva ,Influence of Ramanuja on Chaitanya , Stories related to Pancha Vaishnava acharyas & their real nature !!!

  • Jalpa type of Tarka was famous at the time of Vyaasaraja yati!
    Usually 3rd person after listening to the debate & analysing the pro-after situation of their claims was announcing the result !
    There were hot discussions between Maayaavaada & Tattvavaada philosophers !
    Vishishtadvaita heads were becoming the judges & in these debates Tattvavaada philosophers used to clean bold their opponents !!
    We shall have the glimpse of all the important debates by analysing scientifically
    oriented ones!

  • Infact Kumaara Vyaasa even wrote Vyaasa raaja Charitamu mostly in Telugu as per the instructions given by Sri Krishna devaraya,a Tuluva king indeed!! & this work is unavailable today!
    We have to search this work in any of Smaarta Telugu Brahmin's treasury in Andhra desha!!
    It is told Vaadiraaja yati even wrote Keertanas in Telugu language!This is not found unfortunately!
    Even Tulu people knew Telugu at that time means very surprising !!
    Vadiraja's1 tulu keetana is available even today !

  • Unknown thing is many of them dont know that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu even visited Sri Vyaasaraja yati & listened to his discourses! After his visit many changes took place in Udupi which were initiated by Sri Vaadiraaja guru saarvabhouma !!
    Sri Vyaasaraja has many disciples from Advaita sect also !!
    The result of this to kannada literature is divine Kumara Vyasa Bhaaratha of Gadugina Naaranappa who dedicated his work to Sri Vyaasaraja!!
    This is beautifully explained in SAARASVATA PARINAYA !

  • When Chaitanya Mahaprabhu visited Udupi ,he used Vaada type of Tarka with the then paryaya seer & concluded that he has his consent what Madhva told about supremacy of Lord Vishnu !This is the shishtaachaara followed by any acharya who wants to know the reality! Finally Chaitanya left his idea of writing the Bhakthi Bhaasya showing respect to Madhva's commentary! Many are confused why Gaudeeya followers have Govinda bhasya of Baladeva Vidyabhushana other than that of Madhva's Saatvika Bhaasya!!

  • These are the initial questions aked in Tattvavada philosophy if it counteracts any foreign philosophy !
    There are 3 varieties of tarka:
    Generally Vaada is preferred & upto date history Tattvavaada philosophy has record breaking instances of winning the Vaada & even Jalpa type of Tarka !!
    Vitanda method is usually used by foreign philosophers to stake their claim of winning the Tarka sabha in 50-50 ratio!!
    Remember kannada quote "Kailaagadiruvavanu mai parachi konda"

  • Mahaabharatha has told that in Kaliyuga Lord will incarnate as a sanyaasi & preach the world the way of attaining Moksha!!
    Though this sentence has no refernce to Chaitanya one cannot dismiss the fact that Lord even has incarnations in Kali yuga!!
    Then what is the fate of Madhva's comment on no incarnations in Kaliyuga !!
    The solution is very simple!
    Here incarnations refer to appearence of Swaamsha forms of the Lord!!
    Krishna is Vaasudeva himself & is the source of all Swaamsha forms!!!

  • Coming to the point of Maadhvaas that Lord Vishnu has no incarnations in Kaliyuga,what are their opinions about Buddha & Kalki incarnations in Kali Yuga?
    Infact Lord Venkateshwara incarnated as a form of Black stone on the top of Venkata hill & though it is in the form of a stone it is Swayam vyakta roopa of Vishnu!!
    This is mentioned very sensitively in Mabhaabhaaratha Swargaarohana part as told by Krishna to Devas to worship that stone form in Kaliyuga which is filled with divine energy!!

  • Chaitanya accepted Sanyaasa from Advaita i.e, Shankara sect !
    He accepted the lineage of Brahma-Madhva sect !
    He filled the lapse of Bhaagavatha tradition in Vishishtaadvaita i.e,Raamaanuja sect !
    He even took Rasa bhaavas & Radha Krishna tattvaas from Vallabha,Vishnu swaami & Nimbaarka sects !
    Thus he unified all the Vaishnava sects !!
    Infact Sri Shankara was a great Vaishnava & he never smeared ashes on his forehead!! He used to adore himself with Gandha & Tilaka just like Bhaagavathas!!

  • Coming to the confusion whether Chaitanya was the true incarnation of Krishna or not we should handle this topic carefully #
    Chaitanya should necessarily be an incarnation of Krishna!!!
    It is because when we see the Guru paramparas it is evident that Shuka deva parampara of Shankara,Vyaasa parampara of Madhva ,Paraashara parampara of Raamaanuja !! together form the triads of the Hindu philosophy !!
    Look at the lineage! it is evident that Rudra,Brahma & Lakshmi are the Moola Gurus for them!!!

  • Even Gaudeeya parampara mention Narasimha, Varaaha,Koorma & Brahma classifications of Vaikunta !
    Infact Madhva philosophy has much more information about this :-
    Narasimha for Shiva & Shesha ;
    Varaaha for Garuda;
    Koorma for Vaayu;
    Brahma for Chaturmukha;(Brahma here is the name of the highest attainable position in Vaikunta which is possible only by Rhuju ganas or Pratibimba Vibhinnaamsha souls!!)
    Actually Shiva goes to the uplifting post of Shesha deva in the next Brahma mahaa kalpa!!

  • Before going to next step once again I request you to glance the Devataa Taaratamya prakaranas carefully ;Otherwise you can't understand properly !!
    Though i have not mentioned the Devataa Taaratamya in detail & upto the mark clear cut information in my earlier posts, that much data is sufficient for analysing my next posts !!
    Don't come to hasty conclusions in between !!
    I have to cross some more destractions from these 2 philosophies to convince you the point discussed here !!

  • Even Paarvathi is also famous as Durga & she earns this name as she is the abhimaani of MahaaMaaya !! (Material Illusion)
    Durga form of MahaaLaxmi is the abhimaani of Yoga Maaya of Mahaa Vishnu !! (Spiritual illusion )
    Listen to Indra krita Mahaa Laxmi Stotram carefully !! You will understand this idea clearly !!

  • All the previously mentioned lokas are vanishable ones at the time of Dainandina Brahma pralaya except Vaikunta !!!
    Durga is not Paarvathi & dont be confused with that !!!
    Sree,Bhoo,Durga are 3 forms of Mahaa Laxmi !!!
    They control Sattva, Raja & Tama forms in the Universe !!!
    This Naarayani form of Mahaa Lakshmi is the puraanic Tripura Sundari as glorified in Tripuraa Rahasya,Lalitaa Sahasranaama of Brahmaanda puraana & the one mentioned by Aadi shankara as Jaganmaatha !!

  • The earlier mentioned Padmanaabhakya Naarayana has 3 hierarchies of Moksha Lokas:-Shweta dweepa ,Anantaasana & Vaikunta all are within this universe only!!!
    The Vaikunta mentioned above is called Durgaakhya Vaikunta & Lord Vishnu will be Moola Sankarshana there with Shiva,Shesha,Garuda,Vaayu,Brah­ma,Mahaa Laxmi,Naaraayana,Narasimha,Var­aaha types of hierarchies there!!
    Shiva can see Sankarshana roopee Naarayana form !
    Shesha can see Narasimha form !
    Garuda can see Varaaha form !respt..!!

  • Later Vaasudeva form merges with the Padmanaabhaakhya Naraayana form & is the source for secondary Chaturvyoohas i,e Secondary Vaasudeva ,Sankarshana,Pradyumna ,Aniruddha forms of Lord Naaraayana !
    Infact Padmanaabhaakya Naaraayana takes 3 forms of Naaraayana i.e, (former for Gaudeeya & latter for Maadhva)
    1) Kaaranodaka shaayi Vishnu or Vatapatrastha Mahaa Naaraayana !
    2) Garbhodaka shaayi Vishnu or Anantaasanastha Naaraayana !
    3) Ksheerodaka shaayi Vishnu or Ksheerasaagarastha Naarayana !

  • This can be considered as Vitanda type of claim made by the opponents !!
    They fail to ask these questions at the time of proposal of the philosophies by their respective pravartakaas!!
    If suitable & necessary documents are shown then they claim that they are modified ones !!
    If originality is proved then they question the mind of the acharya as he may have the chance of ascribing sick prone mind in him & hence opponent rejects the philosophy!!

  • There are several other questions which are frequently asked regarding the genuine nature of Vedic sources mentioned by both Madhva & Chaitanya followers as most of those works are not available today !!
    Many vedic literary sources are polluted to such an extent that one cannot distinguish the original & the duplicates !!
    Since majority of the works are available as e-versions today it has become easy for many of the researchers to simply modify the contents as per their wish!!

  • Thank you so much..i just want to hear spiritual class from you..have you written any vedic books?..if not why don't you try..all these information if we get in one book means it will be very useful...

  • Comment removed

  • Coming to Madhva ,he was an end link of the incarnations of Vaayudeva 1st being Hanumaan in Tretaa Yuga ,2nd being Bheema in Dwaapara yuga & he himself being the 3rd one who incarnated to serve Lord Vedavyaasa, none other than Lord Vishnu !!!
    He changed the direction of analysing the vedas when his earlier counter parts were discussing just Aadhi daivika & Aadi Bhautika meanings of Vedas to larger extent !!
    He told that in the beginning, between & end of all Vedas only LORD HARI is discussed!!

  • can please tell me regarding "HARE KRISHNA MAHAMANTHRA" and the benefit we get after reciting that...

  • @cndpriya I will discuss the "HARE KRISHNA MAHA MANTRA" at the end of these posts !!
    It is because according to Madhva, Tattvajnaana & Bhakthi should go side by side !!
    The more you earn Tattvajnaana ,the more you will be blissfull !!
    This makes your Bhakthi so deep that you never turn back from the lotus feet of the LORD!!

  • It is also told that at some magic numbers regarding the sequences of Yugas & Manvantaras special incarnations may also occur !!
    Madhva himself has quoted that Moola Raamavaatara took place in the 24th Treta yuga unlike at the end of the current running sequence of 28th Dwaapara Yuga where Moola Krishnaavataara took place !!
    This is called Bhagavatsookshma !!!
    Even Brahma fails to analyse the activities of the supreme Lord as quoted in BRAHMA SAMHITA ,then common people cannot even imagine!!

  • Infact the statement of Madhva is a precautionary one as if one shows the evidence that there will an incarnation in Kali Yuga one can estimate the range of Bad philosophies that can flourish in the world by misusing the said statements & even self proclaimed Gods may emerge in this world which can even create great damage to the Vedanta schools of Philosophies by propagating their own whimsky & fancy views on the eternal nature of the Lord !!

  • great!!!

  • All the liberated souls can enter Ayodhya !
    Only Brahma is capable of entering Goloka Vrindaavana!!
    After Brahma mahaa pralaya Ayodhya form of Vaikunta gets manifested or merges with the Goloka Vrindaavana !!
    Before that Sri RamaChandra & SeethaaLakshmi forms of the Lord & Moola Prakriti will rule the divine Vaikunta with the leadership of Sri Vaayudeva in the form of Hanumaan!
    It is because the question of ruling VAIKUNTA does not occur at the time of BRAHMA MAHAA PRALAYA!!

  • What about younger generation ?
    Those Mahaanubhaavas roam here & there ;Finally attend Haasyotsava & laugh just to relax & these programmes are usually conducted during MAHASHIVARAATRI!!
    They doesn't know the essence of MOKSHA,TATTVAJNAANA,BHAKTHI which are the great contributions to these human beings not found anywhere among the entire 8.4 million species of life forms!!
    I will discuss about MAHAA RUDRA DEVARU & his importance to all the VAISHNAVAS on the auspicious occasion of SHIVRATRI!

  • Many local Harikatha daasaru are fond of stories inside the puranas not tattvajnana!!
    They reproduce the taped versions of Harikathas by Late Sri Gururajulu Naidu,considered as the father of Harikatha in Karnataka!!
    They create their own Upakathas & join to the sequences of the story narrated & make people to laugh & people listen to them like time pass KAGE GUBBAKKA stories(usually old house hold ladies & gentle men with just physical presence there to avoid family matters)without HARITATTVA!

  • Residents of Amukhta Vaikunta go to Virajaavrita Ayodhya along with BRAHMA DEVA (after liberation)accompanied by VAAYU DEVA upto the gates of BHOOKHYAATA VAIKUNTA LOKA by shedding their Linga shareera which is the most intricate covering of all the souls in this universe,by bathing in the holy water of VIRAJA river surrounding Ayodhya!!
    Usually this happens by the Gadaaghaatha of Sri Vaayudeva!!
    Unless and otherwise you are endowed with this process you are not allowed to enter Ayodhya!!

  • There is also a reference citing Hayasheersha in Gaudeeya works but i.e, also not objectionable! It is because for Rhuju ganas Hayagreeva is the worshipping form of Lord Vishnu!
    It is told Sri Vayudeva in his famous form of Hanumaan recites Moola Raamaayana to all the souls who are eligible for attaining Vaikunta i.e, who are situated in Saantaanika Vaikunta lokas called Amukhta Vaikunta Vihaara sthala lying below Mukhta Vaikunta Vihaara Sthala !!
    Both the Lokas behave like Bimba-Pratibimbas!!

  • Even we shall discuss the
    1) Saantaanika lokas which are the highest of all the spiritual lokas in Durgaakhya Vaikunta in this material universe but situated below Brahma classification of Durgaakhya Vaikunta in conjunction with Koorma Vaikunta loka of Vaayu devaru encircling it!!
    2)Goloka Vrindaavana which is the highest of all the spiritual Sree Vaikunta lokas!!
    3)Virajaavrita Ayodhya which is the highest of all the spiritual Bhoo Vaikunta lokas!!
    i.e,Moola (Narayana,Krishna & Rama)lokas!!

  • All the arguments & challenges by the major philosophies can be tackled easily by the great works of Tattvaada aachaaryas !!
    But i fear common people cannot understand their arguments & the difficult etymological terms both in Sanskrit & English should be used which can't be analysed easily !!
    In such cases one has to take the help of DAASA SAAHITYA & using citations from various HARIDAASARU i will try to convince local people as well as those with philosophical background & scholars also !!!

  • 1) I have earlier mentioned the lists of Sadaagamaas which are recited by the Lord to Brahma in the beginning of the creation of this universe except Mahaabhaaratha!
    Madhva declared that each & every verse in Mahabhaaratha has atleast 10 different meanings !
    Each divine name of Lord Vishnu (Vishnu Sahasranaama) has 100 spiritual meanings glorifying the Supreme personality of God head !!
    Even he was challenged by great scholars of his time in one crucuial Vaada sabha to explain those meanings!

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  • At this juncture one should definitely take the help of Sadaagamas which are delivered by Lord himself &are transferred without interruption via Guru Shishya parampara !
    Thus a Guru parampara which is non objectionable should be carefully selected !
    The selected Guru should have all those divine qualities mentioned in the Shaastras !
    The selected religious scriptures should not have penned history but an oral tradition !
    The selected references from the scriptures must be traceable anywhere!

  • Upasamharana or disappearence should be considered in the same direction of appearance or Prakatana!
    Sometimes Swaamsha forms of Lord Vishnu may appear from different directions also!
    These are called VICHITRA VYAAPAARA of Lord Vishnu!
    Any how Vaasudeva form is the source of all Swaamsha forms of Lord Vishnu & disappearance is first through Sankarshana & finally to Vaasudeva & lastly to Krishna!
    Sankarshana form of the Lord is also a source of Vibhinnaamshaas which further cannot re-enter!

  • Now this tertiary Sankarshana of Secondary Chaturvyooha is the source of all Vibhinnaamsha forms !
    Apart from this Krishna now thirdly emerges as Vaasudeva (first as Balaraama,second as Raama) & he is source of all Swaamsha forms!
    Now he once again splits himself as 3 forms of Padmanaabhaakya Naaraayana!
    Refer to previous posts for the details!
    Sometimes 3 forms of Vishnu emerges from the 5th form as Naaraayana continued with Primary Chaturvyooha of Moola Sankarshana!!

  • In spiritual Ayodhya BHOOKHYAATA VAIKUNTA LOKA Raama,Lakshmana,Bharatha,Shatr­ugna are not Vishnu ,Shesha,Kaamadeva & Aniruddha told in Devataa Taaratamya!
    They are nothing but Krishna emerging as Raama,Balaraama emerging as Lakshmana via Moola Sankarshana,Moola Naarayana emerging as Primary Pradyumna via primary Chaturvyooha as Bharatha & Secondary Sankarshana emerging from Moola Naaraayana has Secondary Chaturvyooha with Secondary Aniruddha as Shatrughna!
    Write the list in order, clue is out!

  • Balarama is the brother of Krishna in Goloka also!
    who himself is Moola Naaraayana!
    Now Krishna is called Para Vaasudeva!
    Balarama need not be confused with material world Sheshadeva or Ananta form of Lord Vishnu!
    After this Lord Krishna emerges himself as Lord Raama !
    Now Moola Naaraayana splits as Moola Sankarshana & is Lakshmana in Virajaavrita Ayodhya!
    Now Maadhvas can visit any Raama parivaara devata temple without any disgusting experience as Vaayudeva kneels to Rama & Lakshmana!!

  • Coming to Lord Shiva there are great confusions among various Vaishnava philosophies with Madhva's Tattvavaada!
    Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu solved this problem!
    He told Shiva also has 2 forms of Existence;
    In this material world he is Rudra,hubby of Durga;compared to Shesha!
    In the spiritual world of Goloka he is Kaala Rudra higher than Brahma & lower than Vishnu just like milk & curd!
    In the spiritual world Shiva is neither a jeeva like Brahma nor a paramaatma like Vishnu somewhat 50-50!

  • There is also a great confusion regarding the status of Balaraama in both Raamaanuja & Madhva sects!
    The problem was solved by Sri Chaitanya mahaprabhu!!
    He told Balarama has 3 forms of existence ;
    In this material world he is Shesha with Shaktyaavesha of Sankarshana!
    In the spiritual Vaikunta he is Ananta who is a swamsha form of Lord Vishnu!
    In the highest Golaka Vrindaavana he is Moola Naaraayana i.e,immediate expansion of Krishna!
    Balaraama now expands as primary Chaturvyooha & so on!

  • At the time of Brahma mahaa pralaya the forms of Lakshmi become 100000 crores & that for Jeeva ganaas are even multiplied as per their inherited capacities !!
    Krishna & Radha forms become infinite & one cannot trace their activities at Goloka Vrindaavana!!
    Now Naaraayana & Lakshmi forms emerge from Krishna & Radha and they take innumerable forms!!
    Since the jeeva ganas have attained Saaroopya:-of same form & Saameepya:-of nearest attainable state type of Moksha; they also attain same forms!!!

  • There are 1000 crores of different groups of Mahaa Lakshmi & 100 crores of different groups of Brahma serving the Lord there!!
    There are even 33 crores of Bimba Gopas & 1 crore Bimba gopikas & 84 lakhs of varieties of Bimba jeeva ganas serving the Lord there with 1 lakh different varieties of Bimba Surabhi cows serving the supreme Lord there !!!
    There are original forms of Shesha i.e,Baladeva,that of Shiva called Kaala Rudra & that of  Durga serving the Lord there called Yoga Maaya !!!

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  • Brahma belonging to Present Universe is just like Four head ant inside Goloka Vrindaavana!
    There are Brahmas capable of creating several universes with multiple dimensions !!
    By the great mercy of the supreme Lord even common people get very precious oppurtunity to take a glimpse of Lord Krishna at that time !!
    There Lakshmi is substituted by Radha & she is the Hlaadini form of Lord Krishna!!
    Lakshmi herself becomes negligible there as it is told ,

  • Finally he told all are together in Goloka and is Achintya Bhedaabheda!!
    He is Niraakaara & Vishesha as niraakaara jyothi is true,without hinderance& blissfull (Sat chit Aananda)!
    Note:-Nirvishesha means Tamas!
    He is Niraakaara before appearance or Saakaara after appearance but with either qualities one & same as Savishesha or Sadasad Vilakshana!(Raamaanuja)
    He is both Saakaara & Niraakaara simultaneously which is obvious with Vishesha as even Niraakaara is one form of Saakaara!(Madhva).

  • He even declared 3 hierarchies of attaining spiritual level of consciousness for Advaita,Vishishtaadvaita & Dvaita followers! BRAHMETI PARAMAATMETI BHAGAVAAN ITI SHABDHYATE !! 1)Brahma!(Advaita) 2)Paramaatma!(Vishishtaadvaita­) 3)Bhagavaan!(Dvaita) All the 3 states are together only in Goloka!! 1st as Brahmajyothi !! 2nd as Supreme soul !! 3rd as Supreme personality of God head !! Niraakaara not Nirvishesha!! Either Niraakaara or Saakaara but Savishesha!! Both Saakaara-Niraakaara !!

  • This is some what nearer to Raamaanuja's theory !!!
    Chaitanya accepted Madhva's concept of Moksha in Vaikunta!!!
    He accepted Raamaanuja's concept of Moksha in Goloka!!!
    Both cannot exist simultaneously & both can exist instantaneously!!!
    Even either cases are possible !!!!!
    He credited Madhva's concept of Andhatamas for Shankaraites worshipping Shoonya!!!
    He even confirmed Brahmajyothi of Shankaraites as the divine light emerging from the eternal body of Supreme personality of God head!!!

  • If the both the types of sources & the mirrors are removed and kept in front of other different sources & mirrors which are replaced it is Achintya!
    If both the types of sources & the mirrors are removed and kept in front of other identical
    sources & mirrors which are retained it is Bhedaabheda!
    If both these cases are combined it is called Achintya Bhedaabheda!
    First is the case of spiritual one!
    Second is the case of material one!
    If both are made confluent it is the state of Goloka!!!

  • If both are present in either cases & and taken at a time it is Achintya Bhedaabheda!
    In the world which is out of both spiritual & material nature as told by Raamaanuja it is Sad asad Vilakshana!
    If the source is only fallen one & in front of fallen mirror only ,it is Abhedha!
    If the source is only uplifted one & infront of uplifted mirror only ,it is Abhedha!
    If the source is only uplifted one & infront of fallen mirror only, it is Bhedha!
    & same for vice versa case also !!

  • This can be considered as a fusion of Dvaita,Dvaitaadvaita,Shuddhaad­vaita & Vishishtaadvaita Vaishnava philosophies!
    If the source itself is fallen or uplifted then one can think of what type of reflection?
    In only the fallen or uplifted source (one at a time)case it is Abhedha!
    In only the fallen or uplifted mirror(one at a time)case it is Abhedha!
    If both are present in both the cases it is Bhedha!
    If one is present in one case & both are present in other case(2 way)it is Bhedaabheda!!

  • If the source is present & both the mirrors are absent it is called Abhedha!
    If the source is absent & both the mirrors are present it is called Bhedha!
    & is present between those 2 mirrors only!
    If source is in front of material illusion mirror it has fallen characters!
    If the source is in front of Spiritual illusion mirror it has uplifted characters!
    If the source is in front of its own fallen source it is Bhedaabheda!
    & in front of its own uplifted source it is Achintya Bhedaabheda!

  • One has to know the scientific arguments of Achintya Bhedaabheda Philosophy!!
    Consider a polished mirror ;
    If it is even even & smooth perfect reflection is expected!
    If the surface is uneven irregular reflection can be obtained!
    If we remove the mirror itself what type of reflection you expect ?
    Infact Chaitanya rectified the mistakes in Advaita philosophy!
    The correct answer is not nill as they expect!
    Infact both of those reflections are now present inside the source & the mirror!!

  • Tomorrow i will discuss the interesting topics from Vishnu Rahasya,Vishnu dharmottara & other important Vaishnava literary works that has to be analysed by each & every Vaishnava on the glory of Lord Vishnu !
    Even i will discuss the position of Brahma in Tattvavaada philosophy !
    & also discuss about monoverse or multiverse arguments of the Universe citing examples from Daasa Saahitya & Gaudeeya references related to these topics from Srimad Bhaagavatam , Sri Padma puraana & Mahaabhaaratha!!!

  • Balaraama or Moola Naaraayana in Goloka Vrindaavana controls all the spiritual aggregations of heavenly bodies by his Moola Sankarshana shakthi !
    Ananta form of Lord Vishnu controls all the spiritual heavenly worlds of Vaikunta by his Chaturvyoohaakhya Sankarshana shakthi !
    Shesha deva with Shukhla keshaavesha of Moola Naaraayana has divine presence of Secondary Sankarshana;holds the entire galaxies,quasars,Tamas&co.,Mat­erial ether resembling hydra( Pataala)& Vaikunta lokas with VAAYU KOORMA!

  • All the incarnations of Lord Vishnu are called Moola Avataaras as at some particular sequence of the Kalpas & the Manvantaras the so said incarnations become Moola Avataars!!
    Matsya avatar took place at the Mahaa Pralaya when the king Satya Vrata(Manu Mahaaraaja) was striving to save all those representatives of 84 lakhs of species of life forms (important are 36 lakhs & give rise to rest of the species!) & at that juncture a giant form of Mastya form of the Lord saved the King's cosmic boat!

  • The conceding part should be read as"Even Krishna is supreme Lord himself"!
    Puraanas glorify this as the Vaasudeva form & as the source of Swaamsha forms!
    But Amsha-Amshi relations are just divine activities !
    Incarnations refer to appearence & not usual birth like human beings!
    Who brought Narasimha & Varaaha to this earth ?
    Think it !!!
    Also coming to the Vedavyaasa-Naarada difference one can solve this problem considering Guru Shishya relation like Rama-Vasishta;Krishna-Saandeep­ani!

  • Madhva in his commentary on the Geeta has clarified that all the Swaamsha forms of Lord Vishnu are equal & important ;
    There is not even a speck of minute dust difference in his divine form & his divine activities & his divine name!
    The verse ending with Krishnastu Bhagavaan Swayam in Bhaagavatham never means that Krishna is the one & only Paripoorna roopa of the Supreme Lord!
    One has to read the meaning as"All these forms of the Lord will appear on this Universe whenever Devas are troubled"

  • Usually the meaning of Krishna Varnam refers to the diety worshipped in Venkataachala!
    The meaning of anga,upaangaastra paarshadaas refer to the great saints of South India i.e,Aalvaars from T.N , Haridaasas from Karnataka who incarnated on the banks of holy rivers like Kaveri,Kritamaala,Taamraparni,­Payasvini etc
    Padma purana even mentions that Bhakti originated in Draavida,developed in Karnataka,took shelter in Mahaaraashtra & became old in Goorjara!
    It was further made young in Vanga!!

  • Usually there are 4 editions of vedic literature obtainable in india !
    1)Incharge of Southern editions were usually Brahmins from Konkana & Laghu Konkana !(Coastal regions of Maharashtra & Karnataka)
    Pure editions obtained from Kerala!
    2)Incharge of Western editions were usually from Goorjara!
    Pure editions obtained from M.P!
    3)Incharge of Eastern editions were usually from Orissa & Vanga!
    Pure editions obtained from Bihar!
    4)Incharge of Northern editions - U.P!
    Pure editions from Nepal!

  • Now we shall discuss the
    1) Moksha as described by Madhva muni in Sri Bhaagavatha Taatparya Nirnaya,Vaadiraaja yati in his Vaikunta Varnane !
    2) Clarifications of Goloka Vrindaavana & reference of Krishna in Brahma Samhita !
    3)Position of Brahma & credibility of the references citing Multiple Universes!
    4)Doubts regarding the appearance of Chaitanya & their claims from direct reference of

  • When we look at the works of Srila Prabhupada those who are from scientific basics & even with general knowledge can easily find many erroneous statements which are contradictory to modern scientific views!
    Eventhough one can have all these misconceptions, many youth followers are trying to correct the blunder by analysing scientific propaganda in the vedic works mentioned by Prabhupada!
    Any how we shall restrict our selves here only to Tattvavaada to analyse the reference of Kanakadaasaru!!

  • All the underlying views are not my personal view!
    These are some interesting topics that i came to know by discussions with Brahma,Madhva,Gaudeeya followers!!
    There are certain followers of Gaudeeya school only & their theory never depends on the works of Madhva but on those of Goswamis!
    There are even followers of Srila Prabhupaada of Hare Krishna movement!
    For them "BHAGAVAD GITA AS IT IS " is like a "BIBLE"!
    They depend only on Srila Prabhupada's Voluminous works on Srimad Bhaagavatham!

  • Only he(Krishna) is existing & everything starting from sat i.e,Spiritual universe & his own forms are indifferent (Abhedha);sadasad i.e,Moola Prakriti (Bhedhaabheda as it differs from him and is everpresent & neverlasting unlike him) & asat i.e,universe & souls i.e, not permanent & differ each other(Bhedha) are emerging from him it is Bhedaabheda !!
    Since all are part & parcel of him simultaneously it is Achintya !!
    Thus Chaitanya's philosophy is called Achintya Bhedhaabheda philosophy !!!

  • Spiritual Universe is Sat;
    Material Universe is Asat;
    The eternal abode of Lord is Sadasad Vilakshana!
    It is greater than Sat !
    Since one can see Asat nullified by Sat i.e,Bheda(Dvaita) & Sat nullified in his abode by himself i.e,Abhedha (Vishishtaadvaita) & that now together called Bhedhaabheda!(i.e, between Asat there is Bhedha & between Sat there is Abhedha & together form Bhedhaabheda as they differ & are nullified )!
    In the spiritual eternal abode both are nullified i.e,

  • All those things that emerged from Samudra Mathan has very significant meaning!!!
    Those who cannot understand this simply fail to analyse the Vedas!!
    They insult Vedas!!!
    They insult Vaishnavas!!!
    Finally go to hell !!!
    They think that Mante Swaami will give liberation from the world by saving us from Tante of this world!!
    Baaba will give protection for them calling them Baa Baa !!
    Fictitious Ayyappa will save them from this Ayyayyo kaal thulita !!
    Yelle idroo Yellamma will save them !!!

  • The nucleosynthesis that took place had Helium as an iniator !!
    Shiva or Rudra is Carbon in Vedas!!
    Who drank Haalaahala !!
    Shivaraatri is approaching !!
    Devotees of Lord Shiva may perform Taandava after hearing this!!!
    It is not Shiva !!!!!
    It was Vaayu !!!!
    Rig Veda mentions that Vaayu swallowed the first product & the remaining gust was swallowed by Rudra !!!
    Carbon is occuping less than 1% in this Universe!!!

  • Both earth & heavens are of the same extent as told by Madhva!!
    What we see as very dark is full brightness for the Devas!!
    Outside all these worlds lie a region of pitch darkness called Andha tamas !!
    No one can escape after entering it !!
    Those who worship the Supreme Lord as Shoonya will get the same Shoonya as per their wish only!!
    Why blame on Madhva!!!
    Remember Kannada quote "Iddiddu iddange helidre eddu bandu edege odda haage"!!!

  • Svar Loka is not any planet traceable!!
    Madhva has commented that Swar Loka is exact opposite to Bhur loka!!
    That means all those wars & fightings between Devas & Daanavaas are the tricks of Lord Vishnu to conceive from the sight of living beings who search for Swar Loka !!
    Inside dark energy lie the great heavens!!
    Black holes are the path way to enter!!
    White holes are the path way to exit!!
    Unfortunately scientists failed to find even a single white hole as per the theory of relativity!

  • There are 999 billion galaxies in the Paataala Lokas !!!
    The energy of Daityas was so enormous they occupied entire space i.e, 99% leaving only 1% to Devas in the middle Bhur Loka called the battle ground or path for the heavens !!
    Bhur Loka is not this tiny earth !!
    There are several other things one should note !!
    Our Sun is not the Soorya !!
    Our Moon is not the Soma !!
    Our planetary systems are not the Navagrahas !!
    One cannot trace the visible constellations to Saptarshi mandala etc..

  • Without hydrogen & helium no stars !
    No galaxies!
    They constitute 98% of this Universe !
    Samudra mathan refers to churning of this Universe!
    Usually all the galaxies are like the shape of serpents coiled with centre bulge!!
    There are 333 billion galaxies !!
    These much galaxies were due to that much forms of the Devas participated in that great churning of Cosmic ocean !!!
    Daityas were 3 times that of Devas !!!
    Then Daityas occupied enormous forms one even faint after hearing those no's!!

  • Devas being wise people lie near the tail of Shesha which is the highest point of the heaven!
    Their Lokas are usually circling this infinite universe with infinite extentions as mentioned in the Vedas!!
    Their divine worlds are very bright !
    Usually Quasars seen by us are the divine Chariots of Devas at the extreme ends of this Universe !
    Devas are only 333 in number!
    Finally 33 & shortly 3 are important!
    Among them Prana & Brahma are only important!
    They are nothing but Helium & Hydrogen!

  • Devas told they want head !
    Danavas being elders claimed the head!
    (This was the trick told by Lord Vishnu to the Devas to claim head of the serpent first to fool those stupid Daityas!!)
    Even today they reside in Paataala because of this claim i.e,nearer to the 1000 (symbolic number meaning infinite) heads of Aadi shesha!
    As Shesha yawns from frequent tiring of holding this Universe, flares of fire emerge from him destroying the lokas of Daityas!!

  • Consider Koorma incarnation of the Lord !
    At that time there was no earth !
    No galaxies!
    No cosmos!
    Vedas mention that there was a fight to occupy the vast space in the heavens!
    Serpent Shesha was made a rope & Mount Mandara,not a fictitious mountain on this earth as mentioned by those western stupid Indologists who never have even a little bit of smell of Vedas!
    Shesha is the gravitatational force!
    Mandara is the medium to hold this force!
    This word shows Gravitation is a Manda force!

  • Now one cannot think of Raasa Leela & other Rasa Bhaavas!
    Imagine the situation of those living species including King Manu at the time of Mahaa Pralaya !
    Hence Matsya moorti is also Paripoorna in that sense !

  • All those Quasars are nothing but the Ashwaas or steeds!!
    They move with great speeds than Galaxies!!
    They are indeed smaller & very brighter also!!
    Now all the Galaxies are having billions & billions of stars means they are billions & billions of plenitudes !!
    Vedas especially Rig Veda has beautifull description of Formation of stars,Supernova explosions,Fate of stars,Arrangement of Galaxies & even reason for that also!!
    Even Vedas mention Characteristic emission & absorption spectrum !!!

  • There are no ordinary stars in the galaxies of Paataala lokas!
    They are brightened by the serpents situated there & they cannot be analysed as per the normal scientific relations that are applicable here!!
    They are indeed situated inside the eathereal hydra like resembling matter where the light is emerging from the flares of Shesha,Vaasuki & other giant serpents there!
    Such type of flares create some thing like CMBR radiation like experience to the scientists near the ends of the Universe!!

  • Their arguements revolve around Shani,Raahu,Ketu only!!
    One BODY Brahmanda (remember Srujan's comedy programme!)claiming as grandson of well known personality usually attired as ladies wrapped with Jarataari or Resham shawls( I wonder may be saari for him) with great blah blah capability shifting channels to taste the curd rice as mentioned by a mimicry artist has been very famous for his accurate(only for him!!) predictions(???) even among classes!
    Only their attire,settings are attractive!

  • Saptarshi mandala is not traceable one !!
    All the conventions of sun ,moon,planets,stars,constellat­ions etc are fictitious one & are used by us even today just for our convention!!
    These convential tricks were devised by the seers just to analyse approximate timings,day to day happenings,celestial happenings as per our daily life requirements only!!
    Series of Brahmanda gurujis are flourishing today !!
    Their duplicate & imaginary ;baseless ;without scientific analysis arguments are famous!!!

  • Those foolish couples simply pose to the camera men showing their brushed(?)teeth pointing towards some direction!!
    What a joke na!!
    Hi Hi Hi!!

  • Now one has to analyse several other things also!!
    There are several stars & galaxies in this universe!!
    None of the scientists gave correct answer regarding the peculiar & systematic arrangement of galaxies in the Universe!!
    They are arranged with reference to Shinshumaara,Dhruva,Saptarshi mandalas in systematic order!!
    Jokingly for a newly married couple one star will be shown "Ago alnodi Arundhati nakshatra#%$ "by a stupid priest that too during day time!!!
    Ha Ha Ha!!!

  • Now a question arises how one can identify their respective stars in this infinite universe!!
    The answer is very interesting!!
    One should know their respective Gotra,Rishi,Pravara & the necessary information regarding this context !!
    One has to definitely recite their details while performing the rituals with their names!!
    Agni deva takes all these prayers only through clarified butter or ghee !!
    Reason is also very simple!!
    Ghee is the end product of the cow!!
    Ghee is now ray cow !!!

  • Kaamadhenu means source of ray yielding cows!
    All the countless stars are nothing but the gifts of this sacred cow!!
    There are several colours of cows i.e, stars mentioned in Yajur veda!!
    Those cows can be obtained by the Yajamaana by performing the prescribed rituals mentioned in the sacred texts of YajurVeda!!
    Usually to accomplish this Godaanas (cows of prescribed colours) are mentioned !!
    They will be the yajamaana of those respective coloured stars in the galaxies!!

  • Comment removed

  • Tomorrow i will discuss much more things about Koormaavataara!!!

  • 3)Dont worship false gods !!
    Many Asuras,Yakshaas will incarnate particularly in this Kali age unlike Kaama swaamis,Kalki baabas claiming themselves belonging to the highest Hamsa aashramas!!
    4)Dont worship fictitious gods & waste your energy by surrendering to them as they are not ultimate & cannot cross you from the ocean of sorrows permanently!
    Though one feels they are benefited it is temporary!
    5)Krishna told:-
    If u worship Asuras,Bhoota ganas,Pitrus,Devas u will join them definitely!!

  • Coming to conclusion part of these posts!
    1)Select a guru parampara which is non objectionable & genuine !
    My personal opinion is Tattvaada is the perfect match !!
    2)All the paramparas are interlinked & hence one should know basics of all of them!
    All these merge together in the abode of Supreme personality of Godhead!!!
    So dont quarell !!!
    Each & every problem has a silver lining!!!
    One important thing is shed the wrong theories & keep only the good ones!!

  • I will stop at this juncture !!
    Note the names of Daityas & their hierarchies ;different hells & co. from Garuda mahaa puraana!!
    Even one can get the depictions of Kali yuga,Kali yuga & Kalki from SRI KALKI UPA PURAANA !!
    Some chapters may be available in the web also!!! SEARCH!!!
    Description of this entire universe is very difficult & takes months together just to outline them!!!
    I am just sorry for this!!
    I have given so many clues & using them analyse rest of the topics!!!

  • 1 lakh crore = 1 shanku! 1 lakh shanku = 1 mahaashanku! 1 lakh mahaashanku = 1 vrinda! 1 lakh vrinda = 1 mahaavrinda! 1 lakh mahaavrinda= 1 padma! 1 lakh padma = 1 mahaapadma! 1 lakh mahaapadma = 1 kharva! 1 lakh mahaakharva = 1 dhooli ! 1 lakh dhooli = 1 mahaadhooli ! 1 lakh mahaadhooli = 1 samudra! 1 lakh samudra = 1 Oagha! 1 lakh Oagha = 1 mahougha! All these are the great numbers mentioned in RAMAYANA yuddha kaanda! Even there are higher no's--10^224!!!

  • Now listen to the great sangraamas fought !!!
    Haalaahala,Kolaahala,Taarakaam­aya sangraama are important among several sangraamas!!!
    Taarakaamaya Sangraamas refer to the clashes betweeen the galaxies !!!
    Taaraka is nothing but Galaxy in Puraanas !!!
    Now i will give the large numbers mentioned in the Puraanas!!!!

  • Coming to Koorma avataara he is called Moola Vishnu Koorma holding the entire Universe!!
    Also Vishnu Koorma supports the Vaayu Koorma !!
    Vaayu koorma inturn gives support for Aadishesha!!
    Aadishesha holds all these said lokas !!
    Whatever I mentioned below was just the Lokas of lower Devas most of them are not eligible for Somapaana!!
    Coming to the Swar Loka one cannot explain them so easily !!
    All the directions of Swar Loka are flocked by crores & crores of Vimaanas everywhere !!
    Stop !

  • Dont expect me to discuss all those details!!!!
    It will make one to go out of this world if one starts describing their Lokas,Vimaanas,classifications­,deeds,exploits,references in Vedas,blah...blah....
    All these things become more than a PhD work for me!!!!!
    Better one has to become silent on this issue!!!
    Coming to the numbers of Devas & Daanavaas who fought in the Taarakaamaya Sangraama I will now send important posts,read & faint till tomorrow for Mahaa Shiva raatri Jaagarane!!!!

  • Apart from all these things the arrangement of Galaxies are due to the variations of Pitru Lokas,Lokas of Deva Gandharva,Maanusha Gandharva,Yaksha,Kinnara,Pimpu­rusha,Vainaayaka,Siddha,Sadhya­,Apsara,Chaarana,Naaga,Raaksha­sa,Deva rishis,Ajaanaja Devas after Pushkara,Nadee theerthaabhimaani Devas,Vasu,Maruts,Aaditya,Rhub­hu,Kubera,9999900 seers & their ernormous gotra dwijas,Divine Raajarshis,Daitya,Asura,Preta,­Paishaacha,Kooshmaanda,Shaakin­i,Daakini, Bhoota,Maatruka,Maanusha(7 different galaxies)!

  • Several other things emerged from Samudra mathan!
    Even Airaavata,Ucchaishrava,Kalpavr­iksha,Apsaras,Madira,Chandrama­s etc have several other important confidential scientific explainations which cannot be discussed in a forum like this!!
    Finally Godess Lakshmi emerged from the great cosmic ocean!!
    Lord Vishnu even today lies in Ksheerasaagara ,ocean of milk of ray cows which is equivalent to Swar Loka with all the great seers who lie below him encircling him & chanting Vedic hymns!!

  • Though he was born in central India ,he was brought up in Kanva kshetra near Bangalore!
    I will end up my posts by 2 important predictions from Kaalajnanam for the intersted readers!
    Tomorrow will be my last session of all these posts & i will conclude by explaining the essence of Shiva to all the Vaishnavas & his teachings of 30 Bhaagavatha dharmaas
    as told in BHAAGAVATHA SAARODDHAARA by himself when he incarnated on this earth!! He himself is Shuka deva!
    That will be my concluding post!!

  • This earth was called Bhaaratha varsha because it was earlier ruled by Bharatha, son of Rhishabha deva who made South Canara as his base for teaching his principles as told in SRI MAD BHAAGAVATHAM!
    Our subcontinent India is famously called Bharatha khanda because it was ruled by a famous king Bharatha ,son of Dushyanta & Shakuntala !(Remember Kalidaasas great play ABHIJNAANA SHAAKUNTALAM)
    This great king Bharatha was born where you know?
    He is the pride of Karnataka & our beloved Bangalore !!

  • They created ruckus stating that one should not cross overseas !
    They dont know this entire earth is Bhaarata Varsha & our subcontinent is called Bharatha khanda !!
    Earlier we used to get identified ourselves as Haimavata khanda!!
    Lanka mentioned in Raamaayana is not present day SriLanka!!
    It is Australia;know this first!
    Influenced by the western indologists they identify each & every concept mentioned in the puranas within Asia only!
    They are rascals & we their beleivers are fools!!

  • 9)Dont differentiate between Krishna & Vishnu as many initial Gaudeeya followers dont know anything about their philosophy!
    They only have one copy of Srila Prabhupaada & claim everything dit to dit in that book is correct !
    I have even summarised the views of Gaudeeya & Madhva followers!
    Even Madhva followers are behaving so rashly as they are in a state of MADI,MADI & not nearby people,even nearby passing air breeze will be untouchable for them !!!
    Many secular Maadhvaas are fearful!!

  • 8)Take the example of HANUMAAN !
    Though he was considered to be equivalent to Brahmadeva he told in front of RAAVANA as DAASOHAM KOSALENDRASYA!!
    This means that he is the servant of the supreme Lord !!
    One should not in the sense think as PAAPOHAM,PAAPA SAMBHOOTO etc
    but think as PUNYOHAM PUNYASAMBHOOTO etc ...
    The more you earn knowledge the more you enjoy divine joy !
    The more will be thelove & affection you develop towards the supreme Lord!!!
    This is BHAKTHI according to Madhva!!

  • 7)Dont think yourself as AHAM BRAHMAASMI !
    Know your capacity first !
    One cannot fill the entire ocean in a small bucket ! is it not?
    One cannot become equal after merging with the Lord as one can question in such a case of inseperable condition how comes it possible for an individual soul to get seperated from that supreme soul or Paramaatma?
    They are indeed seperate entities & the Aikya feeling in the sense is that they are negligible in front of the supreme soul or Paramaatma!!

  • If any one bows to Saatvika forms of the Lord then there is no need too worry !
    Your goodies will not be taken away by any of the Daityas !!
    Only Mukhyapraana or Vaayudeva is capable of removing the entire evils; not even with the case of Shiva because Rudra is worshipped by many asuras & hence he will be in a fix in most of the cases !!
    Lord Vishnu grants everything including Moksha but he makes us to undergo so many hardships so that one will become more polished in his interior!!

  • 6)Knowingly or unknowingly if one gets involved in their activities they are ruined!!
    They may be prone to Asuraaveshas if one worship small ,negligible & false gods & the effect is very wild which cause so many ailments in them & cant be cured by any one!!
    Kooshmaanda,Vainaayaka,Bhoota,­Preta,Yaksha,Shaakinee,Daakine­e & other aaveshas make them to behave differently deviating from their usual behaviour!!
    Better one should worship Saatvika Devas to get pure & divine experience!!

  • One should carefully check them & then approve the incarnations with relevant documents!!
    Now a days the swaamis have name plates as,
    These are becoming fashions nowadays!!
    They can hardly recite Vachanas,Bhajans & what about Tattvaas!!
    90% of them are fake!!
    They create ccommunal disharmony,clashes between their own branches,eat nicely,take a good nap,run institutions for their selfish purposes,roam here & there for inaugrations!!

  • 4)Coming to the belief of incarnations it is the sentimental part!!
    One cannot afford them for our own hampering thoughts!!
    Some basics should be there to analyse them also & should accept them after thorough checking of the scripures!!
    This should be done by
    3)Pramaana! methods.....
    One cannot directly find them easily !!
    There are 32 divine marks & 64 divine bhaavas & 108 divine activities mentioned in the Vedic scriptures!!!

  • I hope all of u are in a mood of MahaaShivaraathri Jaagarane!
    As I promised i will now comment on the position of Shiva in the Vedas!!
    Shiva is a Vaishnavaagresara or highest among all the Vaishnavas!!
    He is a Mono Abhimaani Daiva who controls each & every neural impulses of our brain!!
    Without him one cannot expect other Tattvaabhimaani devas to perform their prescribed work by Lord Vishnu!!
    Hence one can certainly find the importance of Manas tattva!!!

  • Also,Anu means atom!
    Dwyanuka means nucleus(protons & neutrons)
    Tryanuka means Quarks!
    All those big numbers means where is the space!
    These are elementary spaces!
    But those big numbers of 1 Lakh Mahougha Mahougha Akshouhinee means unimaginable!
    Hence the Asuras leave Durga who represents elementary particles & occupy Manas controlled by Shiva !!
    This is nothing but pollution of consciousness !
    Of course Devas are 3,33,333,3063 etc..& even 9 or 33 or 33300 crores have hidden meaning!

  • It doesnt mean that Devas were less in number!!
    Danavas are only 3 times than Devas!!
    Rest of the exaggeration in terms of percentage refers to Maaya or illusionary numbers of the Daityas!!
    Usually the forms of Devas are not of illusion type!
    Since you have not understood the posts correctly or you have restricted to small earth is the Bhoor; Mt.Everest is the Meru & other silly arguements you might have been pleased for!
    It is the explaination given to the appearance of dark energy!Thanks!

  • @viruprasad37
    Devas & Daityas occupied Anu,Dwyanuka & Tryanuka type of interior atoms !Please if possible explain me what is the meaning!
    Those who have flagged as spam should understand that both Bhuvah & Svar are 100%
    Bhuvah has 99% daityas masking as dark energy & 1% visible Bhoor part of this mid world !!
    This masking is one kind of Maaya or illusion & not permanent!
    Intersetingly same 99% is Swar & is protected by Lord Naaraayana in Ksheerasaagara! Rest 1% is Bhoor for them also!!

  • Thus i conclude my 3 week long restless posts at this stage!!!
    May Lord bless every Saatvika soul on this earth !!
    This is my humble prayer to the Lord!!
    If any one is even marginally hurt, i am very very sorry for that & there is my heartfull regrets for that & all the Vaishnavaas forgive my minor or great mistakes !!
    I offer my humble obeisances to the Lotus feets of great Tattvavaada aachaaryas &
    dedicate every post to Mukhyapraanaantargata Sri Hari!!

  • This great ruler rules the entire country for 100 years making Mysore as his capital city under the guidance of the supreme Lord who will incarnate in the Mohammadean clan !!
    This will be the golden rule & makes people to remember RAAMA RAAJYA !!
    Before this a divine sound of OM will be heard from the Kapidwaja of Venkata hill !
    Great thunderbolt sound will be heard & people flee here & there fearing enemy attacks !
    There after this world becomes peacefull & soulfull for 1000 years!!

  • 2)A great ruler who is an incarnation of Garuda will soon arrive on the holy place situated to the south-west of Venkata hill & he enters the Mysore state & with Mysore as the capital city he ascends the incredible & most valuable throne of Maharaaja of Mysore which was the throne of King Dharmaraaja & was even used by Sri krishnadevaraaya; After Tippu it was transferred to Wadiyars as per Lord Ranganaatha's will !!
    Delhi will be bombed by miscreants & will be descarded !!

  • Coming to 2 important predictions for this Kali age!!
    1)Kalki incarnation takes place not in India but from Mecca masjid black slab!
    He will appear as a pig(for Muslims this is an abominal animal!!)first there!!!
    But for us it is a wild boar (Varaaha!!!)
    Muslims chase the pig from that place & this suspcious pig roam here & there all over the world without being caught by them & finally enters India & stops at the Godaavari bank(A.P)!!
    Huge war is expected at that place & many will die!!

  • These posts were intended to my Telugu friends in Hyderabad who hardly knew Kannada & they were not exposed to Daasa saahitya & its philosophy!
    Thus i have collected more information scientifically as far as possible & the information contained is just an introduction & there are much more things available for your entire life!!
    Think yourself & choice is yours!!
    Whether to continue earning Tattvajnaana i.e, pure knowledge(or else) discontinuing as YEN MAHAA!!
    Your life span is very short!

  • As per one of our reader's request i will post the meaning of HARE KRISHNA MAHAA MANTRA & its full benefit which is possible only when you know the Bhaagavatha dharmas told by Lord Shiva tomorrow & i will disappear from this comment section & wont be available for answering your queries!
    I think i have posted very madly which even might have brought some inconsistency among the readers who usually restricted to Nice,Superb,Aaha,Oho like posts !!
    I dont know their state of mind!!!

  • 7)There are 3 basic classifications of inherent qualities of living beings with Mahaa Rudra presiding 3 rd Quality of Tamas & is his usual representation among the trinity!
    9 are interdisciplinary qualities in this material world!!
    2 are higher qualities noticed in the spiritual world!!
    With this 11 will be the total qualities in the entire world!!
    11th most quality is called Brahmaananda i.e, enjoyable only by that eternal Paramaatma!!

  • 6)There are basically 3 dimensions to analyse this world!!!
    Manas is coming under 11th dimension out of 24 dimensions of this

  • 5)There are 3 basic forces like Gravitational,electromagnetic & weak nuclear force(4th being the strong nuclear force is not under his control)!!!
    There are 11 forms of Rudra to control these forces!!
    Any how Rudra is worshipped along with Shesha & Suparna !!
    This is about his exploits in the world of forces!!
    All the elementary particles are maatrukaa ganas & all the infinite Organic molecules are his Bhoota ganas!!
    One may die listening to their activities with severe heart attack!!!

  • 4)There are 3 basic elementary particles in an atom!!
    Also 11 important sub atomic particles which altogether control this entire material world!!

  • 3) There are 3 fates of a star which tells you the fate of your goodies!!
    There are 11 different varieties of Galaxies which are under control of Rudras !
    They together with Maruts control the motion & activities of Galaxies & similar other celestial aggregations in the SWAR loka also which are not visible for us in this so called vast Universe of Mid world!!

  • Totally there are 11 names!!
    11 names signify his 11 manifestations Of Rudra in the entire Universe!!
    1)Ego,consciousness & concentration being 3 states of Manas controlling 10 subordinate Indriyas altogether 11 impotant indriyas under his jurisdiction of the LIVING WORLD!!
    2)Carbon associated with Hydrogen in Organic Chemistry with 3 different classifications based on single ,double or triple bonds!!
    One can find 11 different classes of Organic compounds in the ORGANIC WORLD!!

  • Brahma is matter! He is the master of material universe!! He is hydrogen in this material world! Shiva being Carbon in Vedas is attributed to have lot of plenitudes in this material world! Any how Shiva is not limited to this reference only !! After his creation by Brahma he cried a lot!! That too just for a name!! Can any one tell me what is the meaning?? Because of this behaviour he was called Rudra!! He continued for 10th consecutive time also!! Hence he was named 10 times !!

  • Actually i was busy watching Yakshagaana!Lot of sound!!Sorry for lapse of posts!
    Now preparetions are for Mahaa Jhaama pooja!
    Dont worry ! visit Shiva temple today for evening pooja !
    Actually Shivaraatri started yesterday evening & ends today evening!
    Shiva darshan & Mahaabhisheka moment at todays evening auspicious time gives you very pleasant mind!!!

  • Devas,Maanavaas,Daanavaas are the sons of Prajaapathi!!
    There is also a famous reference for this in Rig Veda!
    Any how one has to take the help of Puraanaas to analyse Vedas as told by Madhva!!
    Otherwise one may be dumped to severe Mithyaajnaana,Vipareetajnaana & other unwanted disqualifications & becomes a non client for studying Vedas!!

  • He is the son of Brahma in the puranas!! Of course all devas are the sons of almighty Brahma!! Brahma created Shiva!? Is it possible? Stupid! Have u ever read Shiva puraana? Dont you know he has no birth? You dont know what is Shiva tattva! You are lier ! Get last! These may the reactions of Shaivaas!!

  • Actually Astrology is not a pure science!
    Predictions are mere guidelines for our way to achieve stability of our weak minds!
    All the planetary positions & their fate on our real life can apply only with the co-operation of Manas & can be analysed as the activities of Daityas & those who listen to astrologers & perform pooja can obtain the blessings of those Daityas who are disguised as Devas with same names as that of respt.Devas who take the offerings & should pay high price later!

  • Many people are telling what n all happening in life its because of god wish either good or bad..he tempt us to do so..n we dont have any choice.."NAAVU BHAGAVANTHANA KAI GOMBE..HEGE AADISUTHANO HAAGE AADABEKU' n whatever we are getting & loosing its because of kaarmic reactions..then what is an individual soul's role in this world? can u tell me please..

  • Shiva engulfs all the material worlds by withdrawing these essential forces during the time of Mahaapralaya & is called TAANDAVA NARTANA!!
    The 12 th important radiation is from Lord Vishnu & is visible only for Vedic seers & not for Material scientists !!
    Thats why it is told,

  • Electromagnetic force is nothing but Ardhanaareeshwara!!
    Hope you understand the meaning if you are a Science student!!
    If you are an arts student repent your self for studying Kaagakka Gubbakka stories with Uroo Hodeyo kaataachaara & you cant compete with Science students!
    All of your research works on Vedic history are western deadly fellow oriented theories & are bogus!!
    If you have heartfully done this job during your PhD carrier insulting Vedas & Vaishnavaas you will definitely suffer!!

  • 11)This is the most important thing related to cosmic dance of Lord Shiva!!
    With his Nataaraja ,Kaala Bhairava,Pralaya Rudra being the 3 famous forms of Lord Shiva performing cosmic dance!!
    There are totally 1100 notes emerging from his damaru & important are 11 notes which are nothing but 11 classes of electromagnetic radiations !!
    He is individually the force of electron inside the atom & the entire world runs because of cosmic dance i.e, electron's restless motion & transitions !!

  • 10)There are 5 forms of Lord Shiva i.e, 5 states of matter;
    Among them 3 are important as they are widely found & understood!
    They are called Prithvi,Jala,Vaayu respectively!
    Fourth state is Plasma & is shared by Rudra with Shesha!
    Fifth state is Space & is called Quantum leap in Vedas!
    He shares this state with Garuda!!
    There are even 11 highest possible allotrophic forms & isotopes & even ionic states of an element belonging to 3 main states of matter!!

  • The word feets is used as a substitution for 108 feet to show respect to the supreme lord Hari & is the principle followed by any Vaishnava in this world !!
    There are 6 Taatparya lingaas starting from Upakrama used to analyse this truth & 5 basic differences or Pancha Bhedha;Totally their numbers are 11 which are the only essential requirements for analysing the supreme truth in the World of Vedaanta!!
    All our praises end as Antargata & finally reach Lord Hari as Nadee Saagara sangama!!

  • 9)There are 3 different ways of Analysing the supreme truth !!
    Lord Shiva is the master of all the Vedas coming next to Brahma & he is the parama guru for all the Vaishnavaas!!
    We roll on the pure white feets of Lord Shiva with tears on our eyes to grant consciousness like straight flow of an oil on Sri Hari who has set an example by bearing Haripaadodaka on his head;Chanting the holy names of Nrisimha,Moola Sankarshana & Sri Raama,being Pratibimba of Prana!

  • 8)There are mainly 3 sources of energy like Agni(Galactic world of Bhoor);
    Divine bright world of Soorya( CMBR like appearence) in the Bhuvah or mid world!!;Pure world of Soma(1% bhoor nakshatras & 99% of Swar nakshatras )in the world of Swar!!
    One can now look at the sooktas of Rig Veda!!
    A Uttamaadhikaari can understand this quickly than Madhyama & Adhamaadhikaari!!
    There are 11 different ways of emergence of Radiation in the form of Electromagnetic spectrum in the RADIATION WORLD!!!

  • Any how Raahu observed this act of SRI MOHINI & disguised himself as a Deva, joined the que of Devas !
    He even swallowed a drop of AMRITA!
    Chandra deva first observed this & informed the Lord about this unfortunate case of wastage of precious AMRITA!
    Of course i wont mention what is the role of Raahu in Jeeva rasa !
    Simply he resides in Mitochondria inside the cell !
    Any how he had his head cut off by the Sudarshana of the Supreme Lord !!
    Infact even today he represents the sperm head & tail !!

  • Coming to SRI MOHINI incarnation of the supreme Lord,she fooled the Daityas by serving Madira or alcohol to them instead of milk of Jeeva rasa called Amrita ,not some fictitious liquid!!
    Even today the jeeva rasa inside our cells is a part of that Amrita!
    Tattvavaada philosophers have even explained the Rasa vibhaaga prakarana i,e sharing of this fluid between the Devas so beautifully one will enjoy divine joy!
    My words fail !!

  • Daityaas seemed to be overjoyed that time as they succeeded in their plan of seizing the divine nectar !
    Wherever the drops of that divine AMRITA sprinkled during the seizing act ;that spot became dwelling places for living creatures!
    This shows the trick of Dhanvantari who was none other than that supreme Lord !
    May that Lord cure all our diseases!
    This explains why necessary & required environmental conditions for sustainence of life of living creatures are not found widely in this Universe!

  • Interstellar Medium has molecular clouds as its major constituent !
    Solid water is the most abundant molecule found there!
    ISM is the region of star formation!
    ISM is so diffuse that the density varies very widely!
    Listen this in terms of a story!!
    Now,consider the fate of our Yagna offerings!
    Daityas are mightier than Devas!
    Remember DHANVANTARI avataar of Lord Vishnu!
    Though he was supreme Lord,he did great drama & showed his inability to preserve the nectar of AMRITA for the sake of Devas!

  • Even at the time of Soorya grahana or Chandra grahana ,being beautiful celestial activities of Raahu who is the head of all Daityas ,one has to definitely observe some
    religious activities to counteract the Vaamaachaara practised at that time by the Asuras & the followers of Asuras!
    One should not do fashion parade outside boasting i am fearless!
    Because,at that time the Soorya naadi or Chandra naadi will be blocked!
    Only who knows the essence of deep meditation can explain you all these things!

  • Without the observable fictitious motion of sun,moon & stars ,remember what would be our fate!
    No day & night hours !
    In such a case every one should remember the contributions of Daityas also!!
    Daityas depend only on maanushas as they are not part of Yajna offerings!
    They create fear among people;Destabilise the minds;make us to practise false traditions;even modern day science is also their contribution !!!
    So we should be very much thankfull to them!!

  • Present day Astrological predictions are definitely part of tricks or Tantra methods of analysing the future & is called Raakshasa type of predictions as the planetary positions & motion of sun around the earth ;everything are fictitious & with some salt-pepper they try to convince local people!
    Puraanas glorify the chariot of Soorya even have Raakshasas who protect & safeguard the chariot of Soorya on this earth ;though they control fictitious Soorya ratha visible to us they are of great use!

  • Very soon i will post them also !
    I will even try to mention Karma prakaranas & Jeeva swaatantrya prakaranas in Tattvavaada philosophy which is a must to know !
    Otherwise one will suffer from Mithyaajnaana & Vipareetajnaana!!

  • I think i have skipped the importance of Daityas on our daily life who are 3 times more beneficial for us than the Devas!
    But the more benefits that one obtain from Daityas the more he becomes addicted to this material world!
    So,Vaishnavas have their own list of activities where & where Daityas have to be remembered & thus one can make use of activities of Daityas also in such a way that one can increase the strength of Devas in the Manas tattva & one can reduce Daitya's strength drastically!!!!

  • Any how Raahu observed this act of SRI MOHINI & disguised himself as a Deva, joined the que of Devas !
    He even swallowed a drop of AMRITA!
    Chandra deva first observed this & informed the Lord about this unfortunate case of wastage of precious AMRITA!
    Of course i wont mention what is the role of Raahu in Jeeva rasa !
    Simply he resides in Mitochondria inside the cell !
    Any how he had his head cut off by the Sudarshana of the Supreme Lord !!
    Infact even today he represents the sperm head & tail !!

  • Coming to SRI MOHINI incarnation of the supreme Lord,she fooled the Daityas by serving Madira or alcohol to them instead of milk of Jeeva rasa called Amrita ,not some fictitious liquid!!
    Even today the jeeva rasa inside our cells is a part of that Amrita!
    Tattvavaada philosophers have even explained the Rasa vibhaaga prakarana i,e sharing of this fluid between the Devas so beautifully one will enjoy divine joy!
    My words fail !!

  • Daityaas seemed to be overjoyed that time as they succeeded in their plan of seizing the divine nectar !
    Wherever the drops of that divine AMRITA sprinkled during the seizing act ;that spot became dwelling places for living creatures!
    This shows the trick of Dhanvantari who was none other than that supreme Lord !
    May that Lord cure all our diseases!
    This explains why necessary & required environmental conditions for sustainence of life of living creatures are not found widely in this Universe!

  • Interstellar Medium has molecular clouds as its major constituent !
    Solid water is the most abundant molecule found there!
    ISM is the region of star formation!
    ISM is so diffuse that the density varies very widely!
    Listen this in terms of a story!!
    Now,consider the fate of our Yagna offerings!
    Daityas are mightier than Devas!
    Remember DHANVANTARI avataar of Lord Vishnu!
    Though he was supreme Lord,he did great drama & showed his inability to preserve the nectar of AMRITA for the sake of Devas!

  • Even at the time of Soorya grahana or Chandra grahana ,being beautiful celestial activities of Raahu who is the head of all Daityas ,one has to definitely observe some
    religious activities to counteract the Vaamaachaara practised at that time by the Asuras & the followers of Asuras!
    One should not do fashion parade outside boasting i am fearless!
    Because,at that time the Soorya naadi or Chandra naadi will be blocked!
    Only who knows the essence of deep meditation can explain you all these things!

  • Without the observable fictitious motion of sun,moon & stars ,remember what would be our fate!
    No day & night hours !
    In such a case every one should remember the contributions of Daityas also!!
    Daityas depend only on maanushas as they are not part of Yajna offerings!
    They create fear among people;Destabilise the minds;make us to practise false traditions;even modern day science is also their contribution !!!
    So we should be very much thankfull to them!!

  • Present day Astrological predictions are definitely part of tricks or Tantra methods of analysing the future & is called Raakshasa type of predictions as the planetary positions & motion of sun around the earth ;everything are fictitious & with some salt-pepper they try to convince local people!
    Puraanas glorify the chariot of Soorya even have Raakshasas who protect & safeguard the chariot of Soorya on this earth ;though they control fictitious Soorya ratha visible to us they are of great use!

  • Very soon i will post them also !
    I will even try to mention Karma prakaranas & Jeeva swaatantrya prakaranas in Tattvavaada philosophy which is a must to know !
    Otherwise one will suffer from Mithyaajnaana & Vipareetajnaana!!

  • I think i have skipped the importance of Daityas on our daily life who are 3 times more beneficial for us than the Devas!
    But the more benefits that one obtain from Daityas the more he becomes addicted to this material world!
    So,Vaishnavas have their own list of activities where & where Daityas have to be remembered & thus one can make use of activities of Daityas also in such a way that one can increase the strength of Devas in the Manas tattva & one can reduce Daitya's strength drastically!!!!


    1. Dear readers,

      This above posts written by viruprasad, a great scholar, Vaishnava, a dear devotee of lord Krishna.
      It helps us to know the important contents of Veda, Purana,Bhagavatam, so on..
      n Importance of thathvas followed by great acharyas..like sree sampradaaya, dvaitha, advaitha,philosophical differences among these, n supremacy of lord over one another, scientific analysis of the vedas n bramhanda avalokana..n many more.
      Even though it's difficult to understand in first reading, for a common people like us (Intellectual power is very less)but if we read it with little more concentration Definetely we can understand..n once we understand our view towards life will be changed but at what extent it depends on one's level of understanding n interest.
      very much greatful to Viruprasad for enlighting on this subject

    2. Hare Krishna,
      I am looking for the sacred and very important book "Vishnu Rahasya", the search for which has brought me to this blog. Viruprasadji quotes this book often, can you please help me contact Viruprasadji or ask him and let me know that from where can I get the book "Vishnu Rahasya". Please do help me. My mail 'v a i s h n a v i s m at yahoo.com'

    3. Hare Krishna
      Could you please explain the meaning of Kanakadasa's kriti - Aaru badukidarayya. There are various episodes mentioned there as well. My email id is mkchitra@rediffmail.com Thank you
