Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Tathva Darshana - Part 2

Any how Raahu observed this act of SRI MOHINI & disguised himself as a Deva, joined the que of Devas !
He even swallowed a drop of AMRITA!
Chandra deva first observed this & informed the Lord about this unfortunate case of wastage of precious AMRITA!
Of course i wont mention what is the role of Raahu in Jeeva rasa !
Simply he resides in Mitochondria inside the cell !
Any how he had his head cut off by the Sudarshana of the Supreme Lord !!
Infact even today he represents the sperm head & tail !!

  • Coming to SRI MOHINI incarnation of the supreme Lord,she fooled the Daityas by serving Madira or alcohol to them instead of milk of Jeeva rasa called Amrita ,not some fictitious liquid!!
    Even today the jeeva rasa inside our cells is a part of that Amrita!
    Tattvavaada philosophers have even explained the Rasa vibhaaga prakarana i,e sharing of this fluid between the Devas so beautifully one will enjoy divine joy!
    My words fail !!

  • Daityaas seemed to be overjoyed that time as they succeeded in their plan of seizing the divine nectar !
    Wherever the drops of that divine AMRITA sprinkled during the seizing act ;that spot became dwelling places for living creatures!
    This shows the trick of Dhanvantari who was none other than that supreme Lord !
    May that Lord cure all our diseases!
    This explains why necessary & required environmental conditions for sustainence of life of living creatures are not found widely in this Universe!

  • Interstellar Medium has molecular clouds as its major constituent !
    Solid water is the most abundant molecule found there!
    ISM is the region of star formation!
    ISM is so diffuse that the density varies very widely!
    Listen this in terms of a story!!
    Now,consider the fate of our Yagna offerings!
    Daityas are mightier than Devas!
    Remember DHANVANTARI avataar of Lord Vishnu!
    Though he was supreme Lord,he did great drama & showed his inability to preserve the nectar of AMRITA for the sake of Devas!

  • Even at the time of Soorya grahana or Chandra grahana ,being beautiful celestial activities of Raahu who is the head of all Daityas ,one has to definitely observe some
    religious activities to counteract the Vaamaachaara practised at that time by the Asuras & the followers of Asuras!
    One should not do fashion parade outside boasting i am fearless!
    Because,at that time the Soorya naadi or Chandra naadi will be blocked!
    Only who knows the essence of deep meditation can explain you all these things!

  • Without the observable fictitious motion of sun,moon & stars ,remember what would be our fate!
    No day & night hours !
    In such a case every one should remember the contributions of Daityas also!!
    Daityas depend only on maanushas as they are not part of Yajna offerings!
    They create fear among people;Destabilise the minds;make us to practise false traditions;even modern day science is also their contribution !!!
    So we should be very much thankfull to them!!

  • Present day Astrological predictions are definitely part of tricks or Tantra methods of analysing the future & is called Raakshasa type of predictions as the planetary positions & motion of sun around the earth ;everything are fictitious & with some salt-pepper they try to convince local people!
    Puraanas glorify the chariot of Soorya even have Raakshasas who protect & safeguard the chariot of Soorya on this earth ;though they control fictitious Soorya ratha visible to us they are of great use!

  • Very soon i will post them also !
    I will even try to mention Karma prakaranas & Jeeva swaatantrya prakaranas in Tattvavaada philosophy which is a must to know !
    Otherwise one will suffer from Mithyaajnaana & Vipareetajnaana!!

  • I think i have skipped the importance of Daityas on our daily life who are 3 times more beneficial for us than the Devas!
    But the more benefits that one obtain from Daityas the more he becomes addicted to this material world!
    So,Vaishnavas have their own list of activities where & where Daityas have to be remembered & thus one can make use of activities of Daityas also in such a way that one can increase the strength of Devas in the Manas tattva & one can reduce Daitya's strength drastically!!!!

  • In Srimad Bhaagavatham there is one famous reference of Sri Vyaasa deva & Sri Shuka !
    Shuka disappeared from his father as he was interested in Parivraajaka dharma!
    Veda vyaasa was in vain searching his son in the entire forest area calling his son OH PUTRA ! OH PUTRA !
    When he passed nearby pond where some ladies were bathing half naked , the ladies quickly covered their body with their clothes looking at Sri Vyaasa deva!
    Earlier they neglected Sri Shuka who passed through the same way!!

  • After reading this dont try to worship Lord Shiva by placing Nrisimha saaligraamams at your home!
    It is very dangerous to worship those Saaligraamams without knowing the traditions practised for that & dont even refer related texts & try them at home!
    Better one can visit DHARMASTHALA & other Shaivaite temples where Vaishnavas themselves worship Lord Shiva knowing all these traditions & with recitation of correct hymns from the relevant Aagamaas!
    Then what is the best method to worship Shiva?

  • When Paarvathi was worshipping Lord Shiva serving the Lord who went to deep meditation after Sati sacrificed herself as per the request of the Devas to destract
    him touched the penis of Lord Shiva to see whether it becomes erected or not!!
    It never became erected at all!!
    This is contradictory to what was told earlier !!
    What is the meaning?
    When he is in contact with Prakriti he will have life time erection !!
    When he is in contact with Paramaatma he will have continuous dis erection !!

  • Ordinary male sex organ can be in its erected position in terms of seconds or few minutes! Not more than that!
    Multiple erections may be there but not continuous !!
    Sri Skaanda maha purana glorifies Lord Shiva can have his penis in the erected state without interruption till the end of Brahma mahaa pralaya!
    Such is the manliness of Lord Shiva! Shiva meditates Lord Nrisimha!
    (usually he roams naked & with all ugly activities & one may call him Ashiva instead of Shiva or Mangala! Never so !!)

  • Consider the transition of electrons !!(I have already mentioned the different manifestations of Lord Rudra!)
    Transitions are possible only because of supply of energy !
    The excited states are unstable !!
    They should come back to their lower energy states (in fractions of seconds!)
    This is because of Lord Nrisimha governing the higher states of electrons cause the electrons to be unstable in their higher energy states !!!

  • If any one sips the panchaamrita collected from the abhishekam of the Shivalingams without Nrisimha saaligraamama on the tip of the lingam he is considered as a Asura!
    Meaning hidden here is Shiva lingam refers to the erected position of penis or male sex organ !
    Usually Shiva is worshipped in that form because he should be glorified by the devotees that he is Shaktha & is active always with jada prakriti or Shakthi otherwise world cannot continue its existence without Shiva being active!!!

  • If any one worships the archa or Swayam vyakta forms of Lord Vishnu like those of the black stones worshipped in Venkata hill,Kanchee etc as Lord himself without understanding that form of Lord is only having his divine presence i.e,Uttama Adhishtaana he will be considered as a Asura meaning not having divine knowledge!
    If any one argues all the different methods of worshipping the supreme lord finally leads to the main path of attaining moksha he is a Asura!

  • In the upcoming posts i will mention the contributions of Daityas & their importance as mentioned by one SULHAADI of Sri Vijayadaasaru & a beautiful Keertana of Sri Jagannaatha daasaru !
    We shall even discuss the fate of predictions & its reliability as predicted by the Astrologers & also a best solution suggested by the great Vaishnava achaaryas which is suitable for this age of Kali!!

  • There is a possibility of unsterlized sperms,unwanted sperms which cannot create good citizens of this world , defective sperms causing deformed offsprings which may enter inside through the food that we eat at the time of Grahana (play of light & shadow) controlled by Raahu !
    Hence the effect of Grahana will be there for pregnant women & also for men who roam outside at the time of Grahana!
    Offsprings may become western oriented,not interested in the rich culture of Vedas,drug addicted etc...

  • Among 18 puranas 6 are Saatvika,6 are Raajasika & 6 are Taamasika type of Puraanas !
    I have selected Garuda(Saatvika), Vaayu(Raajasika) & Koorma(Taamasika)type of Puraanas & have summarised the important of important things there !!
    One can even approach a Tattvavaada teacher & he will definitely clarify all ur small & big doubts !!
    Meet you again in the last & final series of posts on 30 Bhaagavatha Dharmagalu!!

  • Within discussions of 30 Bhaagavatha dharmaas i will discuss several other possible doubts on Asuras & Devas & wind up my posts !!
    I am not a Niyata or Real Guru to explain the meanings of the holy names of the Supreme Lord !!
    Select an ideal Tattvavaada Vaishnava teacher & can have MANTROPADESHA of Shiva's "RAAMA TAARAKA MAHA MANTRA " OR "HARE KRISHNA MAHAA MANTRA" of KALI SANTARANA upanishad !!

  • "Sakala graha bala neene Sarasijaaksha..."; "Bandaddella barali Govindana dayeyondirali..."; "Aaru Baalidarenu Aaru Badukidarenu Naaraayanana Olume Namagilladanaka.."; "Phalavidu Baaldudake..."; "ITTange Yiruveno Hariye..."; "Tallanisadiru Kandya Taalu Manave...."; "Yena bedali Ninna baLi bandu Hariye..."; "Hari chitta Satya Hari Chitta..Nara Chittakke Bandaddu Lavalesha villa.."; Remembering these type of Keertanaas one should do Nishkaama karma & dedicate all of our deeds as KRISHNAARPANA!!

  • I wont discuss much more about the Astrological predictions !
    Charaka has told in Charaka samhita that there are no diseases in this world which cannot be cured when any one recite the holy names of Lord Vishnu (Vishnu Sahasranaama) with great devotion!!
    Actually Graha paalakas should be worshipped by knowing the forms of Lord Vishnu controlling them !!
    There is no need to perform costlier Yajnas & if there is even a small short coming in this,Daityas grab the offerings i.e waste of money,time!

  • Yaksha type is also called PITRU type !!
    Siddha type is also called APSARA type because all the HATA yoga & other related practioners (They are not visible frequently in front of us) should overcome the influence of MOHINI form of the Lord which is possible only by the grace of Supreme Lord !!
    If one gets destracted at that point then he is disturbed!!
    There are many bogus HATA yogis today!!
    SREE YOGI NAAREYANA YATEENDRA has explained this MUKTI KANNIKA beautifully by Lord's grace in his works!

  • There are MANTRA type of predictions !
    80% is the reliability & is the highest type attainable only by RISHIS !
    Depending upon their capacities for ex; if u are climbing a mountain u cannot see anything situated away from your view!!
    As a mountaineer climbs the mountain i,e higher the altitude he reaches,higher will be the clear view available!
    Hope the concept is clear!
    ASHAREERAVAANI told by SRI VAAYUDEVA is the only 100% reliable one!!
    In between 80 & 100 lie Deva type of predictions!!

  • There are GUHYA type of predictions !
    40% is the reliability!
    This is called Gandharva type of predictions!!
    Even there are YANTRA type of predictions !
    60% is the reliability!
    This is called Yaksha type of predictions!!
    In between 50% reliable YOGA type of predictions!
    It is observed by Siddha ,Bhoota ganas & other Hata yoga practitioners!

  • Before that we shall put an end to the querries on Astrological predictions !
    There are totally 7 varieties of predictions possible corresponding to 7 different arrangements of the chariots of the sun!
    With our naked eye one can only rely on the Raakshasa or fictitious sun & planetary motion based predictions!
    This is the least of all !
    There are several sub divisions also within this type of predictions !!
    Only 20% is the reliability of the tantra type of predictions!!

  • We shall glance the Bhaagavatha Dharmaas & knowing this one should avoid asura or false methods of Aghora,Paashupata,Kaapalika,Bh­airava,Naakuleesha,Raseshwara & other Avaishnava methods of worshipping Shiva!
    None can imitate Shiva by drinking Haalaahala thinking SHIVOHAM!
    Without understanding the divine meaning of Shiva Shakti sambhoga, one should not practise Taantric sex & is prohibited also!
    He is the lord of all living & non living Bhoota(elementary)ganas & dont practise animal sacrifices!

  • Finally a divine sound was heard from every tree,bird,animal & he himself felt that ringing tone "I AM HERE!! I AM HERE!!"
    Shuka was Lord Shiva himself who incarnated as the son of Vyaasa deva for the purpose of preaching Bhaagavatha Dharmaas to this world!!"(NOTE:-This is a kind of misleading drama played by Vyaasa to deviate the minds of Asuraas,to teach a moral for Maanavaas!)
    Hence the best medium of worshipping Shiva is our Manas only!!

  • Older edition of Veera Maaheshwara philosophy is called Vaayu prokta & is called so because it was taught by Vaayudeva to Nandikeshwara !
    Earlier B.C.E editions of Shiva puraana was called Vaayu puraana !
    This is the genuine edition & is the oldest edition available in the history of purana today !
    Vaayudeva even taught Vaayaveeva rahasya to Nandikeshwara & there it is shown how Shiva gaNas attain salvation along with Shiva !

  • Maaheshwara philosophies are of 3 types:-
    2)Shakthi Vishishtaadvaita
    3)Shiva dwaita
    Shiva vishishtaadvaita was proposed by Appayya Deekshitar in the name of Sree KanTaachaarya & is a controversial one!
    Basaveshwara became the proponent of Veera maaheshwara philosophy considering Shivaachaara,IshTalingadhaaran­a & Shiva pramatha gaNa concepts from those 3 philosophies respectively!
    This philosophy is famous as Veera Shaiva or Lingaayata philosophy !!

  • @cndpriya
    If no one post the meanings then i will explain the secret mentioned in that keertana!!
    Any how you should not be confused after reading all these posts from 1 month as i have mentioned that the Devas are not mere demi gods;They are higher souls than us & are nothing but the preceptors of their respective tattvaas & the importance of hierarchies with present day scientific explainations have been mentioned for those who cant analyse the Sanskrit terminologies & their references!!

  • Most of the readers except u read these posts just like inspectors examining the student whether he is writing the exam properly or not!!
    One possibility is that they may be advanced scholars or else they are not having proper knowledge about the shaastraas!
    Their negligence shows how riped are they!!
    I have collected many other keertanaas which are like tattva pada;though it is difficult at first sight u get the links after analysing thoroughly VEERA MAAHESHWARA & VAAYAVEEYA RAHASYA texts!!

  • some one was telling in Maarkandeya purana..it has been mentioned Devi is ultimate..
    n in shiva maha purana shiva is top most..is it so? if we go according to Shaastas n purana definitely we wll be in confussion like that..what to reply them..as i have not read any purana upanishad i dont know what exactly written in that

  • Viraktaraavu susheelavantaru naavu ;
    veerabhadrana priya bhaktharaavu(naavu) |
    kaaraNA karta shree "mOhanA viTThala"nE ;
    kaarunya maaDu dammayya embuvaraavu |||3|||
    Very beautiful & mesmerising keetana !!!
    Can any one explain this keertana ?
    Any how i want to see what may be the translations!!!
    We shall see the response from the readers ! Both VeeraShaiva & VeeraVaishnava readers are cordially invited to post the meanings!!!!

  • jangamaru naavu lingaangiyaru | mangaLaavantaru bhavigaLantalla || shivanu guru daiva keshava namma para daiva ; bhuvana jeevana namma guru shaantanoo | shivana drohava maaDuvane aparaadhi ; avanaE ada tiLiyuvanu shruti sammatA | 1 | vibhooti namaguNTu vishweshwaraarunTu ; shobhanaavaada naama emaguNTu | shree bhaageerathiya aggaNada majjana vunTu ; soubhaagya viha(koDuva) mahaantana maThadavaroo ||2||

  • Now comes the SAATVIKA type of worshipping Lord Shiva!
    Our soul has an intricate covering of a LINGA & is called Linga shareera!
    This was widely explained for the first time by SRIMAN MADHWAACHAARYA!
    This Linga shareera is also confirmed by great Shiva sharaNa Siddha yoga Shivaachaara Jangamaas & is accepted by Madhwa saints!!
    One can now look at this beautiful Keertana & i will post this in a readable format!
    Only Veera Shaiva(Nandeeshwara) & Veera Vaishnava(Vaayu) are the purest philosophies!!

  • I have already mentioned the precautionary measures one should follow while worhipping BaaNa lingams & is not suitable for worshipping inside your pooja rooms !
    These are called STHAAVARA lingams !
    These are Taamasa lingams!!(Shiva Dwaita followers especially in Tamil nadu worship them!)
    Veera Maaheshwara Linga Dhaarana (SHAKTHI VISHISHTAADVAITA popularised by RevaNa & BasavaNNa)is the only acceptable type of lingams for common people & are called JANGAMA lingams!
    These are Raajasa lingams!!

  • Now a days people especially young generations..are least bother about our culture, veda shastras, thathwa, totally about spirituality..what they need is life in luxurious way..n always busy in find out the different technique, methods to improve their life style..n about spirituality they ask 'What does it mean??' it seems living like polished animals..same four things which animals do eating, sleeping, mating, defending..they are doing in luxurious way..

  • My style of translation is this way only !!
    Those who understand these things are winners !!
    Those who fail to grasp these are loosers !!

  • After one reaches the state of Hydrogen,one should do Vyaaptopaasana like Hydrogen!!
    Later when Hydrogen dissolves after Brahmaa mahaa pralaya one can go together with Brahmadeva who leads us under the captaincy of Vaayudeva i.e,Helium & under the guidance of Shiva i.e, Carbon & under the co-operation of Vighneshwara or Brahmanaspathi i.e, Iron ; one can definitely attain Moksha !!
    Carefully glare at the NATARAAJA statue of LORD SHIVA!!
    Entire PERIODIC TABLE is exposed !!
    EUREKA !! howzzzatt !!!

  • Now free electrons may be grabbed by other atoms i.e, even if u are free u are freed from influence of atoms!!
    One way or the other way they will haunt the electrons!!
    Hence paramaatma comes to our help at that time!!
    Stable Octet configuration is needed!!
    This is called Jnaanaatma state!!
    Consider Helium,Neon,Argon,Krypton,Xeno­n,Radon states !!
    These are called ShaT chakras or ShaT sthaLas!!
    A yogi can find light glow like these noble gases !!
    One should do Bimbopaasana like noble gases!!

  • Now one should know that excited states are unstable !!
    They should come back to lower energy states!!
    Hence jeevaatmaas suffer with Anaadi Nitya Linga shareera like electron transitions !!
    Some times they jump to meta stable states i.e, swarga & other meta stable happiness !!
    If time is over definitely they should come back to lower energy states!!
    Hence sufficient energy is required to get rid of these electrons from the influence of an atom !!
    If they come out they become free electrons !!!

  • Vishnu yogins claim Linga shareera is Anaadi i.e, without beginning & end !
    Hence, there is no connection to this linga shareera & paramaatma !
    Vishnu being the paramaatma himself told he has not found the Aadi, Antya of Linga Shareera !!
    Hence, one should know that INDIVIDUAL SOULS & PARAMAATMA are DIFFERENT entities !!
    Both are Anaadi!
    Paramaatma never created jeevatmaas & paramaatma never questions the inherent rights of jeevaatma !!
    Jeevaatmaas are in excited states !!
    Paramaatma is stable!!

  • Advaita & other Brahmavaadins claim they have found the end point of Linga shareera & is the part of paramaatma like surya & surya rashmi & hence if you have found one surya rashmi emerging from surya it is to be understood that rest of all the surya rashmis are emerging from surya only (that too looking at the soorya pushpa emerging from top of the Linga shareera)!!
    They are like 5th head !
    Even Chaitanya followers claim 5th purushaartha & one should be carefull otherwise Shiraschhedana !!

  • Now after looking the texts of Veera maaheshwara & Vaayaveeya rahasya,one can easily analyse that the Linga shareera is the ultimate covering of this soul !
    Shiva is the abhimaani deva of this linga shareera !
    There is one story in Linga Puraana also in Shiva purana ,Arunaachala mahaatmyam of Skanda puraana ,Padma purana,Brahma puraana that there were fightings between Brahma & Vishnu that i am great & u are least & so on !!
    The meaning is it is the fighting between Brahma yogis & Vishnu yogis!

  • At this age of kali, Vayu deva accepted Sanyaasa from Achyuta preksha who was an Advaita teacher & studied thoroughly Advaita from him & even questioned the explainations given in the Kaarikas of Advaita commentaries!!
    He later explained the essence of Tattvavaada to his teacher & went to higher Badari to have a darshan of Sri Vyaasa deva!
    Even in Shankara Vijaya it is told that Shankara visited Vyaasa!
    Unfortunately he argued with Vyaasadeva that some of the sootras are wrong & need correction!

  • Veera Vaishnava philosophy was taught by Vaayudeva in his earlier incarnations as Hanumaan & Bheema !!
    Sri Madhva being the continuation of these incarnations proposed this as Tattvavaada philosophy!!
    Earlier in Treta yuga this knowledge was received by Sanakaadi maharshis (along with Vibheeshana,Incarnation of Kanva) & 4 maharshis are also included in the Guru parampara!!
    In Dwaapara yuga it was received by Doorvaasa maharshi(along with Dharmaraaja)& he is also included in the Guru parampara

  • Know the hierarchies of Daityas!
    Inside the brackets their bad qualities in terms of descending order than their very previous asuras are mentioned !!
    As one come downwards in terms of their hierarchial positions bad qualities are less traceable !!
    Mahaa Kali purusha is the highest ADHAMAADHAMA found in this universe with 32 out of out worst marks observable on his body as compared to 32 out of out divine marks observable in the case of Brahmadeva & his colleagues who belong to Rhuju GaNas!!!

  • Thus 21 cm radiation is needed to connect ourselves to Soorya Naaraayana!!
    Sandhyaavandhana is practised during evening time because of reddening effects which are common in interstellar medium !!!
    Hence we offer arrows of water droplets symbolising dispersal of water in ISM by collecting the water ensuring 21cm total width of both the palms placed adjacently & offer them to Soorya Bhagavaan reciting Vishwaamitra Gaayathri which pass through 21 cm radio waves & definitely reach Soorya Mandala!

  • Coming to Sandhyaavandana part,consider Interstellar medium once again !
    Since solid water is the major constituent there we offer Sandhyaa vandana on this earth with water only !
    One should know that Radio waves can move through the entire Universe without any blockage & can penetrate through this medium also !
    The Original chariot of Soorya Bhagavaan is residing in the Mid world or the heavens !!
    Now Interstellar medium with its varying density is an obstruction for Soorya shakthi here!!!

  • Now one can go for Vyaaptopaasana & one cannot expect Paramaatma state there!!
    Vishwa,Taijasa,Praajna,Tureeya­,5th unknown state nearer to Linga shareera mentioned by Raaghavendra theertha,Aatma,Antaraatma,8th state of Jnaanaatma & the 9th most state of Paramaatma which is obtainable only by that Paramaatma!!!
    Even Brahma being matter fails to analyse this state fully!!
    Mahaa lakshmi also fails being Infinite space & time & being the infinite permutations & combinations of the letters of *VEDAS!!

  • When any person is in the Jnaanaatma state he has to analyse his individual power!!
    This is possible only with Tattvajnaana !!
    This is called Bimbopaasana !!
    One cannot expect 100 watt power from 60 watt bulb!
    But one can expect less power as per the laws of Thermodynamics!!
    Madhva first told this evershining law that matter can neither be created nor be destroyed but can be converted to other equivalent forms of energy!!
    Hence 60 watt bulb glow with full power without any loss only in VAIKUNTA!

  • Comment removed

  • it seems you are personnaly blessed by god..and for reading n understanding your comments..unless having a mercy n blessings of god no one would feel to read n understand ever..because this topic directly or indirectly relates with god..so i pray lord krishna to shower his mercy upon people so that they can read n understand.
    jai sri Krishna..

  • @cndpriya
    I will explain them later citing RIG VEDA hymns & your soul become so pure & blissfull that you are ONLY 3 inch nearer to VAIKUNTA!!

  • then what is the use of getting intellectual power, which has given only to Human beings..and you have explained in such a nice way that we dont need to go through purana.shaastra.n refer any vedic books..briefly u have explained every thing..n u have answer for all the questions..not only about vedic literature but u explained vedic literature in scientific way..similarity between science and thathwa shastra..tha'ts really great!!!!because only few people can accept science n shastra at a time

  • I will discuss the importance of Sandhyaavandana to those UNDAADI GUNDAAS who do these activities like Kaataachaara & finally i will post 30 Bhaagavatha Dharmaas but wont mention all those 30 prakaranas because it takes 1 year for me to complete those posts as my style is like that of Scientific analysis!
    These Bhaagavatha Dharmaas are very short & simple to listen!
    But very long & difficult to follow!
    All the Smritikaaraas uncluding Manu have explained the Dharma shaastraas based on them only!!

  • There are several types of dissolutions!!
    Finally when reach Satyaloka it may take millions,billions,trillions,zi­llions & their multiples range of time scale !!
    At such large span of time many Brahmaas may attain Moksha !!
    We people should know our capacities & should surrender only to that Lord Vishnu just like rejecting the jackpot options usually played in some costlier reality game shows !!
    Hence Shankara told ,

  • Only by the grace of Brahma,Vaayu called Moola Gurus & by the consent of Naaraayana you can get great stability of your unstable soul!!
    Several births are needed for this just to get rid of those complexes surrounding the Anaadi nitya linga shareera !!
    Stars usually form at the tails of the Galaxies !
    As they become old they join the central bulge !!
    There also several procedures are followed !!
    Only God can save these NITYA SAMSAAREE type of souls without INHERENT eligibility of MOKSHA !!!

  • Finally they go to hells !!
    Even the priests,Yajamaanaas & the organisers for their great mistakes of misusing the vedic activities attain the torchures of hells& hence they are called Asuraas !!
    Hells as you think are not seperate lokas!!
    They are left inside dark matter & energy with their own Bhoota sookshmaas running short of fuel!!
    Only with their manas they experience all the tortures which they cant escape!!
    Even today most of the Vaishnavaas fear for pourohitya because of these reasons!

  • If anyone over exceeds the number of ray cows one will definitely loose them in one way or the other !!
    Any how it needs lot of Knowledge in the Vedic sprictures for you to understand!!
    I think i am causing dizziness for the readers !!
    Anyhow dont worry !!
    Please dont waste your time simply discussing whether Advaita is correct or VishishishTaadvaita or any other possible philosophies & so on !!
    Many people today having good make up ,with their money & material power do all the vedic activities!

  • Any how inside the stars with the co-operation of Vighneshwara i.e, Iron who help us in the formation of stars & with wide varieties of riches attributed inside the stars usually of s block elements called Dwaadashaadityaas & that too with the help of other Tattve devaganaas who form various organic complexes with Carbon i.e, Shiva & finally one should attain the noble gas configuration !!
    This may take millions & billions of years usually comparable to the time scale of BRAMHA DEVA !!

  • These Bhoota sookshmaas are present in the interstellar medium & they help in the aggregation of the species to form stable objects like stars !!
    Hence one should definitely do good deeds on this earth which will form Bhoota sookshmaas with the indirect help of Devas & Asuras & all of them are directly dependent on Lord Vishnu to acheive this task !!
    The more number of stars formed in the Universe the much will the richness attributed to him!!
    We may have capacities of 100000 lakh stars utmost!!

  • These Bhoota sookshmaas are like the fuel for our karmic influences !!
    Infact they surround the coverings of the Linga shareera of the individual jeevaatmaas & they themselves act like the mirror for analysing our inherent capacities !!
    We have to form stable species devoid of all these complex aggregations of Bhoota sookshmaas ,then only one can think of stable state!!
    Otherwise the bonds being very difficult to break takes infinite time as if one bond is broken new bonds are already existing!!

  • Any how whether you do good or bad deeds,
    the necessary strength is provided by Devas & Asuras !!
    Lord Vishnu resides inside the souls of Devas & Asuraas with their respective Bimba forms & is the ultimate controller of their activities!!
    The individual souls lying between them as neutral species,after their influence,with their inherent capacities just like ionic species get involved as ionic bonds, form complex bonds with them called Bhoota(elementary) sookshmaas & perform various activities!!

  • koopakarNa(<8),Dushyaasana(<8)­,Vrishasena(<8),vikarNa(<8),ku­bhaanDa(<8),Rugmi(<100),Shatad­hwani(<100),kirmeera(<100),vEn­a(<100),Saindhava(<100) etc........
    These are the names of top 37 asuraas leaving Kali purusha !!
    There are other detailed lists counting more than 300 names & are not possible to discuss in this forum!!
    They represent wide range of worst qualities as opposite to those of Devas controlling the pure versions of those qualities!!
    They definitely attain their respective hells!!!

  • Kali-Duryodhana(cent % worst),Alakshmi-Manthara(<100)­,Viprachitthi-Jaraasandha(<100­),Narakaasura(<100),Kaalanemi-­Kamsa(<5),MadhukaiTabha-(<5),H­iraNyakashipu(<100),HiraNyaaks­ha(<3),MaNimaan(<3),Bakaasura(­<0.5),Taarakaasura(<20),Shamba­raasura(<3),Saalva(<4),HiDimba­(<10),BaaNaasura-Keechaka(<6),­Dwaapara-Shakuni(<6),Namuchi(<­10),ilvala(<10),Vaataapi(<100)­,Dhenuka(<100),Keshi(<100),Tri­Naavarta(<10),Maasa(<10),lavaN­aasura(<10),Dhundhumaara(<5),H­amsa(<8),DHibhika(<8),PounDrak­a-False Vaasudeva(<8)cont..

  • 9)Brahmacharya
    Never means dont marry & have good offsprings!
    During ur student life study !
    Dont waste ur time by watching porn & other unwanted stuffs!
    Dont go for frequent masturbations & try to control ur emotions during ur puberty stage!
    Develop spiritual consciousness & serve ur parents & family by joining good jobs!
    Dont look at second lady !
    Though ur mother or wife is not good to look,one cannot call neighbourhood Stylish aunty as ur Mother or Wife!
    Stop flaunting ur body assets(bad)..

  • 8)Aarjava
    Be simple!
    Be united with your thought & work!!
    Dont flaunt ur money & material power like etching ur contributions on the walls inside the temples & offer crores & crores of rupees just for name & fame;also stop having VVIP darshans & behave like normal devotees!
    Dont think u will buy him with ur money!
    He will not be waiting inside the temple sanctum sanctorum but inside the hearts of poor devotees!
    Serve them with ur power & money!
    You will be blessed like those great Raajarshis!!!!

  • 7)Swaadhyaaya
    Read all types of books!
    Comedy,Fiction,Science,Technol­ogy,General knowledge,Medicine,Engineering­,Arts,Commerce,History,Politic­s,Mathematics,Music,Spiritual,­Interesting,Sports & should admire all better & best things in this material world!
    You should be thankfull to that Supreme Lord who brought u to this world via ur parents!
    You should know all these material diversities are without hinderances only at his eternal abode !
    Desire only for MOKSHA,an inherent right of pure souls!!

  • 6)Mouna
    Not shutting ur mouth !
    Dont use unnecessary words!
    Dont argue unnecessarily!
    Use all ur good words to please that Supreme Lord & not local lords !
    Think the meaning of Hymns & Stotras SILENTLY!
    Dont disturb others unnecessarily & maintain silence while reading!Select silent environment!
    This will increase ur concentration & u will suceed definitely materially & spiritually!

  • 5)Titiksha
    Have patience!
    Control ur sense organs & also sexual interests !
    Gradually try to get rid of ur bad activities !
    Control ur 6 emotional eruptions !
    From these things,u can show interest in the spirituality!

  • 4)Tapas
    Dont punish ur body by severe penance & fastings with ur mind floating towards the material interests!
    These are meant to control ur mind !
    Observe those activities only by knowing their importance !
    Each & every person will get clarity & perfectness in his work only with Tapas !
    Do this by the guidance of Guru & realise God in ur tapas !!

  • 3)Shoucham
    Maintain cleanliness both mentally & physically !
    Keep ur environment clean & dont pollute them !
    It may pollute ur mind & consciousness !
    Otherwise spiritual & divine experience of that Lord will be lost!
    Maintain cleanliness by leaving false ego from ur mind & do these activities for pleasing the Lord only!

  • 30 Bhaagavatha dharmaas are:-
    1)SarvatO manasO asangah
    Dont give much concentration to materialistic world !
    Dedicate some time to that Supreme Lord!
    Finally that will lead to Vishaya niraasakti & gives u esteemed devotion on that Lord !
    2)Saadhushu sangah
    Always develop good friend circle & that too devotees of that Lord !
    Show respect to ur elders,good friendship with ur colleagues & care ur family & ur juniors! Be moral for them! Lord will definitely protect u!

  • malagi paramaadaradi paaDalu
    kuLitu kELuva kuLitu paaDalu
    niluva nintare naliva nalidare olive nimagemba |
    sulabhanO hari tannavaranare -
    ghaLige biTTagalanu ramaadhava -
    nolisalariyade paamararu baLaluvaru bhavadoLage || SRI JAGANNAATHA DAASA RAAYARU (HARIKATHAAMRITA SAARA,karuNA

  • Hence we should not follow those risky activities !!
    Follow these 30 simple & beautiful Bhaagavatha Dharmaas though difficult to follow in the beginning!!
    Take the help of Vaishnava Tattvavaada teachers & they will definitely guide those 30 prakaranaas & your way way to VAIKUNTA is ready!!
    Chant the holy names of Lord Vishnu in this age of KALI with pure devotion which is equivalent to severe penance (TAPAS) that has to be observed in the age of KRITA!!

  • 17) santosha
    Be happy with what u are having!
    Be self satisfactory !
    Do any justifiable work that u know (refer previous posts on essence of labour)..
    Several other Dharmaas can also be considered relevant to this ;-
    a)Annaaddyaadeh samvibhaagaah -
    Share your food before u eat with ur friends or guests,dependent animals..
    b)Teshu Aatmadevataa Buddhi-
    Treat the souls hierarchially & respect them as per the divine expressions of forms of Lord in them although these forms of Lord are indifferent!!

  • Sabeeja,Nirbeeja,Paapa beeja puNya,PuNya beeja paapa,Jnaata nirbeeja puNya,Ajnaata nirbeeja puNya,Jnaata nirbeeja paapa,Ajnaata nirbeeja paapa,Nitya,Naimittika,Kaamya,­Nishkaamya,Daishika,Daihika,Ka­alika,Swaabhaavika are different varities of KARMA !!
    In one way or the other way they haunt us!!
    Hence one should minimise Kaarmic reactions by knowing Tattvajnaana - do Nishkaama karma & have pure Bhakti on SUPREME LORD & finally Vairaagya of this Material world & now ur way for VAIKUNTA is ready !!!

  • 16) cheeravasana
    not torn clothes!
    This body is called Cheeravasana because the soul changes the bodies from one birth to the other like one changes torn clothes !
    This body is a result of Kaarmic influences & one has to enjoy good & bad deeds with the help of this body only!
    Our aim is to minimse these karmic effects & unnecessary wearing of torn clothes by the soul!!
    There are 3 types- Sanchita,Aagaami & Praarabhda karmaas!!
    This is possible only when u follow & adopt Bhaagavatha dharmaas !

  • 15) viviktam
    Dont think your body is your soul!
    Think this individual soul & Supreme soul are different!
    Your original body is divine & pure as that of Lord; although one cannot compare the qualities of individual souls with the eternal qualities like that of PoorNa aananda (complete eternal bliss) ; SarvacheshTakatva(Omnipotent),­Saryavyaapakatva(Omnipresent),­Sarvajnatva(Omnicient),Sarvagu­Na paripoorNatva(complete eternal & divine qualities without any hinderances) of that Paramaatma !!

  • 14) anikEtanam
    Dont think this earth as your permanent dwelling place!
    Think Lord Vishnu as ur support & without him no one can live on this earth & Universe !
    Dont even think your house or this body is yours!
    It is the dwelling place of that supreme lord!
    Although this body is material ,Paramaatma remains spiritual & is unaffected by us!Refer JaDa Bharatha -RahoogaNa discussions in SrimadBhaagavatham for this Bhaagavatha Dharma!
    Remember Daasavaani,
    Allide namma mane ! yilli bande summane !!

  • 13)Kaivalyam
    Means sacrifice!
    Dont think your self as the doer & think Lord Hari is the doer!
    Dont claim the rights of ur deeds !
    Simply present every deed to Lord Hari!
    Lord shares our bad deeds & good deeds b\w Daityaas & Devas and later gives the fruit to us!
    Because they are the main stimulus for our deeds!
    We can enjoy Good deeds with Devas & Bad deeds with Daityas!
    These are like bank deposits of our selfish deeds which are inevitable!!
    Offer flawless devotion to him & attain salvation!!!

  • Lord Naaraayana is present eveywhere!
    He shows his presence as per the inherent capacity of a particular object!!
    Any tattva which has higher capability shows higher presence of Lord although he is present equally everywhere!
    Hence one should respect every individual soul knowing Lord Naaraayana is present inside each & every indiidual soul!
    One should even show higher respects to higher positive souls & show disrespect to the negative minded souls like that of Asuraas as per their hierarchies!!

  • 12) Sarvatra AatmEshwaraanveekshA
    Why u simply search him inside the temples??!
    Each & every audible sounds in this world;All the letters,words of the vocabulary of the infinite sacred texts;All the forms imaginable by our mind or all those forms visible & are to be seen since & after infinite time & also inside & outside everending space,All sorts of material & spiritual possible energy sources & activities are referred to him only !!!

  • 11)Samatvam
    Take all ur won & lost moments equally!
    Consider Material pleasures like gold,silver ornaments & property assests just like you treat dustbins!!
    That means one should not have much interests in this material world!
    You are not allowed to carry all these baggages after ur life is lost as u have not brought any material belongings during ur birth time!
    Only Good & Bad deeds follow ur soul!!
    Dont blame ur difficulties on that Lord!
    Dont forget him when u are happy!!

  • 10)Ahimsa
    Dont show ur anger on poor fellows!
    Dont hurt ur family members & also the members of the society!
    Dont unnecessarily quarell with others!
    One should take Himsa methods only after all sorts of negotiations & requests fail & that too on evil forces only !
    If someone who is a mankind like u never listen to ur thoughts means he not an evil to u & dont suffocate him!
    Even an evil comes to ur help sometimes!!
    If u have some differences that should be +ve & lead to spiritual discussions!!!

  • 25) shraddhA BhAgavatE ShAstrE
    One should definitely show DEEP & INSATIABLE interest in Bhaagavatha shaastra if any one seriously wants to attain MOKSHA!!
    Bhaagavatha means related to Bhagavaan!
    Bhaagavata shaastras are Vedas(INFINITE),Mahaabhaaratha­( 1lakh 25 thousand verses),Brihat Moola Raamaayana &Pancharaatra -both are individually 100,00,00,000 crores of verses & SAATVIKA parts of 18 puranaas -Finally self commentary of Brahma sootras by Sri Vyaasa deva i.e, Sreemad Bhaagavatham!!!

  • 24) prashraya
    means respect,humble,devotion,great cordiality & other essential qualities!
    One should respect their elders,senior classmates,senior citizens,learned people,acheivers for their reservable respects & acheivements !
    This in turn will please Lord Hari!
    One should respect their elders as SWOTTAMA, a devotee of Lord as a HARI \HARA BHAKTHA
    If any one touches ur feet or bows to u it is because of gracious presence of Lord in u !!
    No one bows to OSAMA BIN LADEN except his followers!!!

  • 23) maitri
    One should be friendly with everyone especially with those of equal age & similar minded ones!
    A DRUNKARD always tries to have friendship with another drunkard!
    A gay tries to have friendship with another gay & llly for Lesbians!worst...
    What happens when a man tries to have friendship with another woman or vice versa! It's left to ur imagination!
    All these friendships make one to get attracted to material pleasures & one should treat themselves as brothers & sisters in our culture!!

  • 22) Daya One should be generous to all the creatures of this world! DAYAVE DHARMADA MOOLAVAYYA! This is called Bhoota dayaa! Bhoota means living creatures! This is a type of worship to that Lord! JANA SEVEYE JANAARDHANA SEVE kASHTA TOSHITARA SEVEYE EESHA SEVE DEENA DALITARA SEVEYE DEVARA SEVE Even one should be eligible for service! One can see many misuse of SC\ST Quotas,Ration cards,relief funds,charity funds now a days! bEliye eddu hola maidante! rakshakarE bhakshakaraadante!(SOMESHWARA)

  • Dama means control of sense organs & also other related organs which often by the influence of material pleasures make the indriyaas to behave rudely & are not worthy to be so when one comes to the case of devotional activities !!
    There should not be any misbehaviour !
    With pure mind one should talk pure words & do pure work !
    This is called flawless service to the Lord!
    One should respect his father,mother,teacher,guests,e­lders,forefathers,Demi gods also!

  • 21) Shama & Dama
    Shama refers to being honest to the Lord !
    Daily explain all your good & bad deeds in front of the Lord !!
    One should be honest atleast in front of him as God knows everything !!
    If you render ur deeds in front of him he will atleast minimise the mistakes & later sufferings by converting big effects to small side effects !!
    One should even try to improve themselves every day by atleast one gingelly seed!
    Otherwise no use!!
    Only like tape recorder singing M S Subbulakshmi songs!!

  • 19) Satya
    Always tell the truth! This is Bhaagavatha dharma!
    But Dharmasookshma tells that dont tell useless & unworthy truth which is not in the interest of animal rights & are nuisance to human life also!
    20) Abhaya
    One should give promising result of the work!
    Any politician who promises the basic amenities for common people should abide by his word!
    Any religious leader before accepting Sanyaasa should promise that he abide by the rules of ascetics!
    Remember this in Rajaneekanth's style!!

  • Any how i have tried to explain scientifically as much ever it is possible spending my holidays for posting purpose!!
    Atleast if 3 out of 100 are benefitted from these posts, my efforts are laudable !!
    This is the great mishap of the KALI age!!
    All the Devas & Rishis await this age of Kali where even a small offering to that Lord yields great fruit of GOODNESS!
    Lord may forgive our mistakes in this Kali age if any one does them unfortunately!
    But there is no excuse if one knowingly commit them!

  • This very special Bhaagavatha Dharma tells that in any manner try to bring common people who never even flip the pages of religious scriptures & for those who are interested 100% with this material happeness & are indulging themselves with prohibited activities(like those porn sites where even Indian men & women share their private pictures through webcams & enjoy later physically without having a bit of shy,fear & that too from rich families! Imagine local people!) to correct way of Devotion!!

  • 18) ParaartEhaa or ViparyayEhEkshA
    Think seriously about liberation from this world !
    For this one should definitely practise devotional activities !!
    One can gradually understand that the happiness got from material pleasures,sexual activities,family recreations are not even a speck of dust particle in front of divine & eternal bliss!!
    The purpose of my postings in this forum where material people throng with great curiosity is because of myself being influenced by this beautiful Dharma!!!

  • The real husbands for the material wives are not sperm rich husbands of this material world but the spiritual husband who is spermless ; but then too create crores & crores of manifestations(direct & indirect)!!
    He even had 16,100 wives & he assumed 16,100 forms at a time & mesmerised Narada maharshi who came to see the families of the Lord!!
    16,100 wives of Krishna totally accounted for 16,100*11 childrens!!
    How it is possible?
    Vedas tell us Lord thinks with his tongue,hears with his eyes etc..

  • Hence one should analyse the concepts carefully!!
    Gopikas were the the incarnations of great sages who performed severe penance to have the ability of touching the Supreme Lord like unsatisfied wives coming in search of a divine youth(JAARA STREE)!!
    Lord is always 16 yrs old!
    No sperm circulation in him & is not shown with mouthstaches & thus one cannot think of sexual activities b\w them!
    Raasa leela is mere a divine activity which shows all the material husbands of the wives here are fake !!

  • Infact Brahma suffers from illusion at the beginning of the creation of this Universe !!
    This is told by Madhva himself!!
    Hence this incident is narrated where Brahma after suffering from illusion for a span of one eyelet beat(for us it is a span of 1 year) later apologised the Supreme Lord!
    Even Lord showed different infinite universes & infinite Brahamaas(of different dimensions & capacities)who were dancing in front of the Lord chanting his holy names;Chaturmukha felt he is a fly amidst them!

  • Why they think only Gopikas are great than Brahma & they even tag illusion sticker on this fore head!!
    Why one think Brahma suffers from illusion by Krishna in one chapter of 10 TH canto,Srimad Bhaagavatham?
    One should think that it is mere a drama played there to teach a moral for mankind & that Krishna has supreme power to create illusion even in the mind of Brahma!!
    Think common man!!
    The meaning that one should understand from that story is Brahma is not having full information about LORD!!

  • All those extensions are mere divine activities!
    When i questioned one Gaudeeya worker(who came to coach the students about Krishna written quiz competition)about Madhva he told many things from the works of Gaudeeya philosophers & also showed his ignorance about Madhva & asked whether he is an incarnation of Vishnu!!
    What flashed to him was if any one even Vishnu tells something that is contradictory to Krishna those statements are false!!
    Only chanting HARE KRISHNA without knowledge is bad!!!

  • There are infinite incarnations not just 10 incarnations !!
    Bhaagavatham mentions 24 (both direct & indirect )incarnations !!
    Mahaabhaaratha has mentioned more than 50 different incarnations!!
    Each name of that Supreme Lord is a kind of incarnation!!
    Any how if any one beleives Pancha Goura Tattva , then the 4 different manifestations of the Lord & 5th one being the representative of pure devotee of the Lord in that 5 member group of devotees who incarnated on this earth,one should be careful!!

  • Why one should think only Krishna has capability of performing Raasa leelas !
    Why cant they think Varaaha or wild boar form of that Lord in place of Krishna!
    Instead of Gopa Gopikaas think !! He wild boar & She wild boars !!performing Raasa leela inside a divine pond of Vaikunta !!
    There are infinite forms & infinite activities of Lord !!
    Gopikaas worshipped Supreme Lord in the way like they themselves being frustrated from their husbands & even they desired the Lord during night times !!

  • One cannot tell easily any one as an incarnation of that Supreme Lord !!
    One can definitely find divine experience of that Supreme Lord from the incarnation of Chaitanya Mahaaprabhu !
    Gaudeeya followers differentiate Swaamsha forms as 2 arm or 4 arm extensions & in terms of percentage they express differences b\w the activities of Vishnu & Krishna & even citing references from various Vaishnavaite scriptures of different sects of Vaishnava aachaaryaas they even turn opposite to Tattvavaada!!!

  • Thinking amsha, amshi i.e,evolution & dependent sort of differences between Swaamsha or indifferent forms (extensions) to that of the Moola or original forms
    is also a kind of Hari dwesha ......
    One should not even think differences b\w his eternal soul,eternal body & his body parts, eternal activities,eternal qualities & his eternal swaamsha manifestations..
    One should not have illusion related to the incarnations of the supreme lord!!
    Related to Chaitanya Mahaaprabhu one should be cautious!

  • Rest of the Bhaagavatha dharmaas are related to Navavidha Hari Dwesha & Nava vidha Hari Bhakthi !!
    ShravaNa,keertana,smaraNam,Paa­da sEvana,archana,Vandana,Daasya,­Sakhya,Aatma nivEdana ...
    Thinking soul & supreme soul are one & the same,thinking Paramaatma is devoid of qualities,Thinking Lord has hinderances in his eternal blissfull qualities,Thinking demi gods or any other fictitious gods are equal or higher than Lord Vishnu (cont'd...)

  • Nammamma shaarade Umaa maheshwari nimmoLa gihanyaaramma!
    What a puzzle!!!
    Only our KanakaNNa can deliver answer to these type of puzzles!
    This is referred to 21 cm radiation line!
    This is the secret number of VighnEshwara!
    All the countless stars are born only with the help of VighnEshwara!
    He controls this vast mid world of countless stars & galaxies of this Universe born after Big bang by making sound like elephant triumphet!
    He is Iron inside the stars & Haemoglobin,red pigment in the blood!

  • It's now time for ending my posts !!
    Since this is a beginning post for any one who read these posts, I should mention the importance of Vigneshwara as told by the Vaishnava aachaaryaas & you will realise who is he!!
    Without him no life!!
    Ganesha is a most popular diety all over the world even among Jains & Buddhists apart from Hindu philosophy!!
    I will mention shortly about his essence in our life & with the eternal SHAANTI MANTRA wind up my posts !!
    All the best for your future life!!

  • The aboved mentioned narrations found in the Puraanaas create great confusions & may lead to false knowledge about the Lord & hence one should be carefull.
    Otherwise leads to Hari bhaktha dwesha & finally Haridwesha !! This important Bhaagavatha Dharma called "Nindaa cha anyatra "
    tells u that one should criticise false scriptures with correct explainations & one should not go against Pure Vaishnava shaastraas!!
    Vaishnava in the broad sense means not as devotee of Vishnu but who has pure mind!!

  • Coming to the different activities of the Lord like Krishna worshipping Shiva in Kailaasa,Durga removing the head of Hayagreeva,Rama performing pooja to Shiva in RaamasEtu,Parashuraama fighting with Raama,Vishnu plucking his eye for the sake of Shiva's blessing of Sudarshana chakra;Parts of Puraanaas glorifying Durga or Ganesha as supreme Lord,Fightings b\w trimoortis & their wives,Quarrels b\w Devas & Daityas or even b\w rishis etc are just misleading narrations with hidden scientific meanings!

  • Also there are varieties of other types of aavEshaas which are accounted due to Vainaayakaas,Kooshmaandaas,Sha­akinee,Daakinee,Bhoota,Preta,P­aishaacha & others..
    Hence one should know the influence of all these Jeeva gaNaas & one should soon come out of their hang over!!
    There are several other things related to them where & where one has to remember the Contributions of these Asuraas & co. which are not possible to discuss in this forum!
    & thus i have discussed most of the topics assured by me!!

  • Also China,Tibet ,Mongolia,Korea,Japan & other countries inhabitants are having amsha of several varieties of Saadhyas & Maanusha Gandharwaas(Buddhists) who are interested in both knowledge,hard working & hunting type of activities!!
    This enroaching mind is seen commonly among North East Asian countries!
    Russians are usually the incarnations of Pitrus!
    Arabian people are usually having the amshaas of Kshatriyas who were earlier killed by Parashuraama!
    Several Daityas incarnate as terrorists!!

  • Also there are several Asuraas,Guhyakaas,Naagas,Kinna­ras,Kimpurushaas accounting terrorists,rock musicians,Black people,gays & other aliens !!
    Indians are accounted themselves by the gotras of great Rishis !!
    Even today Indians are shining in software technology( by the grace of Skanda who is Silicon in the periodic table!! That too South Indians worship him very widely!)& as Lecturers,Scientists & Mathematicians !!
    Our Land is peaceful land & is known for peace all over the world!!

  • There are several types of Gandharvaas & several activities are suggested as their activities !!
    There are several groups of Yakshaas & they are interested in machines & tools !!
    Especially western scientists who have invented many Engineering facilities & technological advancements are the incarnations or having presence of Yakshaas !!
    There are Chaaranaas interested in trekkings, Siddhaas intersted in great magics, Apsaraas account for beautiful green or blue eyed golden haired ladies!!

  • Only with the stimulus of Daityas,rasaavehaas of husband & wife dominates & Devas also enjoy the divine sexual activities by the influence of Daityas only !!
    Nowadays one even think of westerners where most of them have amshaas of Gandharvaas,Pitrus or Asuraas & look beautiful than us!
    Vedic shaastraas have mentioned several symptoms to identify the asuras & gandharva aavEshaa !
    Usually westerners roam naked along the beach shores & are interested in water
    shore activities i.e,Gandharvaavesha!!

  • He is not boy,girl,gay,adult,material object,non living,living or any other thing!!
    He is present everywhere in every form without adhering to material limitations!!
    He even taught a lesson to Gopikaas who were bathing naked in the pond & were causing irritation to Tattvaabhimaani devaas during day time!!
    Sexual activities are prohibited during day time & evening also!!
    Only night is the best & Tattvaabhimaani devas though working inside our sense organs remain neutral!! Daityas are incharge !!!

  • yadakshara padabhrashTam maatraa heenam tu yad bhavEt !
    tat sarvam kshamyataam dEva naaraayaNa namOstutE !!


  • dishah shaantih.. avaantara dishaah shaantih... agnih shaantih... aadityah shaantih... chandramaah shaantih... nakshatraaNi shaantih... aapah shaantih... Oashadhayah shaantih... vanaspatayah shaantih... gauh shaantih... ajaa shaantih... ashwah shaantih... purushah shaantih... brahmah shaantih... braahmaNah shaantih... ShaantirEva shaantih... shaantirmE astu shaantih... || AUM || brahma praavaadishmatannO maa haaseet || ||AUM|| shaantih..shaantih...shaantih.­.... ||HARIH AUM || || TAT SAT ||

  • Thus i have discussed Dharma,Artha,Kaama,Moksha part very scientifically & shortly as far as possible & i hope that will benefit every pure soul throughout their life!!
    This knowledge is VERY RARE & those who go through these instructions will definitely attain salvation!
    ||OM|| prithivee shaantaa, saaagninaa shaantaa,saa mE shaantaa shuchagm..shamayatu |
    antareekshagm shaantam,tadvaayunaa shaantam,tanmE shaantangm..shuchagm.. shamayatu |
    prithivee shaantirantareekshagm..shaanti­rdyou shantih.

  • Neutron stars & pulsars appear to be brighter when observed through Gamma rays being the important fates of the stars after Supernova explosions!!
    Hence one should avoid looking at the False moon!!
    If u cannot see through gamma rays,Tattvaabhimaani devas are able to see that type of false moon from ur eyes!
    This is Deva rahasya!!
    Hence u will get false allegations when u break that rule!!
    Dont even offer green leaves or anything green to Vighneshwara!!
    Offer 21 red modakas made of kEsari to him!

  • No one will see u here onwards during my worship day on Bhaadrapada shuddha Chaviti !!
    If any one looks at u will definitely suffer from false allegations!!
    Divine meaning hidden here is when any one observes through gamma radiations the entire night scene looks very differently & white moon appears to be brighter than normal sun(star)!!
    When we try to see the disc of the galaxy one can see red coloured disc instead of white coloured bulge observed in visible region!
    So much drastic changes!!

  • Ganesha was angered by the remarks of SOma dEva!!
    "He Chandra !! don't laugh at me... without me no SOma !!
    Simply why u boast ur self !!
    Every one knows ur partiality & fitting nature!!
    I am the worshipper of that Vishwa(cosmic rays)form of that Lord Vishnu !!
    You know i am Gamma ray bursts which is also the extreme end of shorter wavelength & high energy region of e.m spectrum!!
    Without Gamma rays & Cosmic rays you never stay here!!
    Get last & take my curse !!

  • Chandra laughed at Soma!!
    Vigneshwara representing Radio waves is placed at one extreme end of the e.m spectrum where he represents higher wavelength region !!
    Chandra who likes X ray region is placed in the shorter wavelength region !!
    Hence Chandra laughed at looking the plight of Ganesha as,"Oh! Ganesh! go to gym!do exercises! tie snake rope(galaxy tail)to our broken stomach & connect to Chandra manDala(every bulge of Galaxy)!Otherwise you cannot control star motion due to overloading HA HA..

  • Chandra is Magnesium & is responsible for green colour pigment ,Chlorophyll in plants!!
    Coming to fate of the star,after matter exceeds & iron core sinks which is shown by his tiny rat on which he moves(what a divine thinking power of our vedic seers! I bow to their intellectual power!!)a star should end its life as Super nova explosion & is responsible for radiation bursts!!
    Chandra is famous for his partiality towards "rOhiNee" type of star emitting X ray bursts !!
    This burst is called sOma!!!

  • Hence Vigneshwara is worshipped only with Red manDala,red colour attires,red Akshate,red mOdaka everything totally red by the Vaishnavaas!
    pOli guys dance during Ganesha festival singing SonDi,SonDi type of songs!
    Only GanEsha can laugh at their ignorance as they fail to analyse where exactly he resides!
    Even they will be punished for polluting the environment!!
    Remember this story when Ganesha cursed Chandra during his procession after the festival ended his stomach erupted & modakaas bursted!!

  •                                                                --------THE END--------